Monday, April 29, 2013

Love Rocks

When I give a mothers day gift I always like to think of something that is
useful and shows the love and appreciation I feel. 
Children like to do the same.

Here is a great activity to get them to do this Mother's Day. 

Love Rocks can be easily made and treasured forever.
I particularly love that these can be placed in the garden and be a constant reminder to mum. 


Super simple. The children collected some rocks they felt they would like to paint. 
We discussed the many different shapes of rocks and how they felt
This was a great way to help with language development. 

Set up was easy as I just gave them some acrylic paints, paint brushes, 
water and mixing plates and left them o create their own 'love rocks'.
I love that children can get as creative as they like!!!!! 

My niece decided she wanted to write a little message on her love rock, which I thought was brilliant. We used a black marker once the paint was dry. 

These look absolutely sensational in a garden. 
Great reminder of the love one child has for her mum. 

I hope you love helping your children make some love rocks because love really does rock! 


Kate x

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Breastfeeding Advocacy in Texas

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about a nurse-in that took place at Ft. Worth Magaizne after an advice columnist called breastfeeding in public "ick".   One of the women following the nurse-in contacted me about some Texas bills on the table. Rather than me tell you about them, I asked if she would write us a post, keeping us all in the loop.

I mentioned in my post that I feel that nursing in public is harder now than it was when I was breastfeeding just a few years ago.  It is important that we all do what we can to promote the normalization of breastfeeding so new mothers don't have to fight to feed their babies in public.  

Thank you Krisdee Donmoyer for writing this post to help us understand the laws and our real rights.  

"I am a stay-at-home mom with three sons, ages 10 months to 7.5 years.  I've felt strongly about breastfeeding since before my first son was born, but when I was told to move to a private room 8 months ago while discreetly nursing my baby in the empty lobby of our school, advocacy became my calling.  I went through proper channels at my school district (Austin Independent School District) for two months, asking for a mother & baby-friendly breastfeeding policy, & when they put the opposite in writing, I went public, asking for letters to the district through the Facebook page & blog I started, Keep Austin Nursing in Public.  I'm now the Outreach Coordinator for Central Texas Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition, as well, and I have been very involved in a grassroots effort to garner support for the breastfeeding bills in the House this session.

There are laws that aim to help mothers meet their breastfeeding goals, but existing laws leave room for improvement.  Currently there are two bills in the Texas House Calendars Committee which would strengthen breastfeeding legislation.  And Texans can help make this happen, in as much or as little time as they have to spend supporting them.  

Passed in 1995, Texas Health & Safety Code 165.002 states that a woman has the right to breastfeed her baby anywhere she is authorized to be.  Most women who breastfeed can do so in public without ever being harassed.  But it does happen, and that knowledge and the fear of it happening serves as a barrier to breastfeeding for many women.  In fact, 40% of women cite worrying about nursing in public as their greatest barrier to breastfeeding.   2012 Lansinoh Breastfeeding Study for more on this study.   House Bill 1706  would go a long way to abate the fear of nursing in public.

In its present form, the law can be circumvented by revoking a mother's authority to be in a place of public accommodation.  Moms may think that it's already illegal to infringe on their rights, but as terrific as it is, 165.002 simply states that we have a right.  HB 1706 closes that loophole, making it illegal to toss a mother out, or even to interfere with or restrict breastfeeding.

It also provides for education that the law exists, via the Comptroller's office.  If you're a breastfeeding advocate, it may be hard to imagine that not everyone knows there is a law about nursing in public, but many people have no idea.  So this aspect of HB 1706 is huge.

Still, knowing a law is on the books doesn't mean all people will follow it.  Moms who have faced discrimination since 1995 have told their harassers that they're protected by law, but that hasn't always stopped the discrimination.  In large part, that's because they're not truly protected.  HB 1706 will change that by giving our right-to-breastfeed law an enforcement provision - a consequence for flouting the law.  If a mother's right is violated, she will have the right to sue for damages not to exceed $500 plus reasonable attorney fees.  Realizing that they could have a lawsuit on their hands if they ignore the law, business owners are more likely not only to follow it, but to train their employees so that they will follow it as well.  Far from resulting in rampant lawsuits (which are likely to be cost prohibitive for families, and may not interest the majority of lawyers), the mere possibility of a lawsuit will decrease harassment incidents, paving the way for increased breastfeeding rates.

The other bill, HB 741, supports mothers in the work place.  Though about 80% of Texas mothers initiate breastfeeding, by six months, only 13.7% are still breastfeeding exclusively, despite the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the World Health Organization to breastfeed exclusively for the full first six months.  Breastfeeding rates begin to drop off around the time that mothers return to work, and are trying to balance the demands of their job with the need to express milk with a breast pump on the same supply and demand schedule as their baby.  The need for time and a place to pump led to the Fair Labor Standards Act requiring reasonable accommodations for hourly employees. However, salaried employees are exempt.  HB 741 extends those accommodations to salaried public employees, including teachers.  

Both of these bills are vital to changing the culture in our state to one that is more supportive of breastfeeding.  A more supportive culture will lead to improved breastfeeding rates, which will significantly improve the economy as well as public health.  So we are all stakeholders in this.

At the moment, the bills are in the Calendars Committee.  If they are set for a date on the House floor as soon as possible, there will be time for them to be voted on by the 150 House Representatives, and if they pass them, they'll go to the 31 Texas Senators for another vote.

It's easy to support the bills, to be a part of this historic legislation.  You can spend just five minutes sending a sample email you personalize a bit to legislators whose email addresses are all in one place for you at  It doesn't take long at all to call legislators, and a phone call also makes a great impact.

Have more than five minutes?  Want to do more?  There's plenty to be done. Contact and join the grassroots movement to support legislation that will support breastfeeding moms and babies."

This is Donna again.  Side note I wanted to add about contacting your legislators.  There is also things going on at the state level with our Texas birth centers.  I was recently asked to go to Austin to meet with my state rep about this bill.  There were about 25 of us that went to this initial meeting. Before heading to the capital building, it was made very clear -- if you have to breastfeed your baby during your meeting, LEAVE the room.  Do you think these breastfeeding and birth advocates and professionals liked hearing that?  Of course not.  I understood it though.  We do not want to be seen as hippy radicals who are in-your-face, not if we are to make real impact.  Make no mistake, I wore my cowboy boots to the capital building and my hair was extra big that day.  :-)

So, when you contact your state rep, whether by phone or email, be respectful and professional.  That will be heard -- and listened to -- more than the anger that we sometimes feel over this issue.  Good luck!  I do believe that we have the power to make positive change for this next generation of breastfeeding mothers.
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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Grippy Socks

This is a great idea for when children are stuck inside or looking to give a parent or grandparent a unique gift. They are personally designed socks that grip to the floor! 
They are simple to make and will no doubt be treasured.


I stretched a plain sock over an empty cardboard box. 
I also used an empty ice cube tray! 

It's important to stretch the sock to a size that would resemble a persons foot. 
If it isn't stretched then the paint will crack when it's dried and worn. 

I purchased these squeezy bottles of 3D puff paint for roughly $8AUS. 
You can get this paint at all good craft suppliers. 

My niece and nephew had a great time designing their own grippy socks. 
They drew pictures and wrote words with the paint. 

As you can see, they did a wonderful job and had lots of fun in the process. 
The paint took about 4 hours to dry completely. 

I wondered what wonderful designed your children would make? 


I hope your little one enjoys this activity. 
Click here to see another blog that did something similar.

Please add a comment as I love to hear from you. 

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Life with 5 kids - week 2

I'm so shocked this babe is 2 weeks old already. How did that happen?

She's a beautiful & easy baby. She sleeps in blocks of 3-7 hours through the night and goes straight back to sleep after a feed.

All the children are still in love and want to cuddle touch and kiss.

The week with Michael at work was fairly cruisey with children playing, using their own initiative and creativity to complete tasks that need to be completed for the benefit of the entire family.

Nappy changes and clothing choices are manned by Miss Amalia aka mini-mummy.

Of course the week was made easier given our state is currently in school holiday mode.. Which means for us.. No dancing & no gymnastics aka no outings ;)

My only significant issue was the juggle of 'doing school' whilst having a new born, and a toddler, and a 3 year old. The issue being attempting to do.. Too much at once.. attempting to do.. 'School' under less than pristine conditions.. And I know better than that.. I've experienced better than that.. And I went against what I know to be truth for our family.. In the name of 'learning'.

But we did learn ;) we rigged up electrical systems, we talked about space and the universe and satellites. We read some stories and brand new books. We watched copious amounts of 'electrics' videos and discovered that electricity is the movement of electrons. We were introduced to word sleuths and loved them!
We discussed parts of the human body and what they did, researched scientific answers to satisfy the curious questions and counted everything countable in various different ways. We learnt about the book of Acts & History & Geography & Geology & cultures.

So we did learn, naturally, in our regular setting.. It was just the reading.. The phonics and the reading practice that became our significant issue.. That we will overcome.. As we transition.. And continue to transition.. Into a style that is functional, peaceable, relational, manageable and allows us to thrive as a Family of 7..

5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Natural Learning
2. Iniative of children
3. Peace
4. An additional easy baby
5. A smooth week with Michael at work :)

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Friday, April 26, 2013

Pencader Stand-off over, Hostages Released

From the NJ:

The standoff between the state Department of Education and Pencader Charter is over after the state agreed Thursday evening to pitch in $350,000 to brace the troubled school’s budget through the end of the year, school and state officials said.“It’s been a long haul, but I think in the end we’ve come to a decision that’s best for children, teachers and parents,” said Frank McIntosh, the school’s president.

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Child-Directed Learning

A long while back I recognised an interest of 'electronics' in my oldest child. That and his ability to put things together and enjoy it.

Obviously being a homeschooling mum means I am looking out for these kinds of things to enhance his learning opportunities and encourage his interest areas and skills.

I purchased a 144+ electronics kit where you have an instruction book in pictures a bunch of wires and an electronic board.

I think I did the first one, rigging up a light to a battery and made it go, and he did some other ones. Making the fan part go was most exciting and using a double battery made the fan go so fast it would fly off up into the air at rapid speed.

All this time later he is still using it freely as he desires, learning more and more about it and rigging up different things with differing switches.

Even at night time when the house is winding down and babies are put to bed you might find him working on a project on his own by his own choice.

When in a child's interest area they are willing to go and learn and practice on their own accord. I love it xx

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5th child comments

I've been reading large family blogs for so many years now that this 5th child has finally made me FEEL like I have a large family. Our 7 seater car is now jam packed quite literally, and my arms are filled with a baby again, much the same as when I had my first child and I used both my arms to hold and cuddle him.

I've been receiving shocked and strange comments since I had two, before my belly showed we were expecting a 3rd. Although shocked comments occurred also when you say "nar not really, my husband is the oldest of 9 children" which makes me seem more normal in a worldly sense.

Large family mums can often get quite sick of the comments, especially the stupid ones like "do you know what causes that?" or "are they all yours?" as if you round up the neighbourhood kids to take grocery shopping with you or of course "you look like you have your hands full" as if having one makes your hands only half full? I don't know, I find them just words people say because they have nothing better to say. I notice more the attitude or tone of voice than the words spoken.

I can often think about the lovely comments I have received and even the ones that I have been surprised by. Like the time two old nanna's were google eyeing my tribe and I off at the Child Health Centre (next to the Senior Citizens), we walked across the car park in a straight line holding hands and held the ladder on our 4wd before I put children into the car. I could hear them talking about us but not what they said, they were allowing me to put the children into the car before they got into their own. They seemed to be enjoying this process of watching me handle these guys. 4 kids 5 years of age and younger.
Then they said it! You certainly have your hands full! Told you! Then she leans over to her friend and says it just reminds me of me when all my FOUR were babies and about the same ages. Turns out we triggered some glorious memories. She told me she missed those days although the workload was hard, no washing machines, no electrical appliances or convenient foods, and no car! They used a buggy (LOL). She commended me on their behaviour, my abilities and willingness to bear so many little ones in such a short period of time.

I remember the lady at church who has 2 make a passing comment about not knowing how I do it with 4 kids and we are having another when she struggles to handle her own 2. I was able to encourage her and let her know that if she was to have another God would give her everything she needed, believing that He wouldn't give us more than we can handle. And I let her in on a tip... I get help when I need it!! Plus going to church with 4 kids... Having two parents, two grandparents and 5-7 Uncles & Aunts makes church outings SO EASY!!

I remember the old man who said it was crazy having so many children. I told him "nar its a lot of fun!".

I often receive comments that my children are really well behaved and obedient. I've been offered toddlers to train because my guys are so well behaved. Actually the truth is I've been told my guys are well behaved and obedient MORE than I have received negative or hateful comments. But we often do not blog or talk about these times, we are more inclined to complain and whine about the negative comments we receive and how we handle them or should handle them or especially the nasty replies we can give in return. Please Note: My guys are not perfect, they are still being trained and have minds of their owns!

My hope is that when I receive a negative comment or shocked comment that I can be encouraging and let it be known that children are a blessing, a special gift, and it is not the number of children one has that makes the difference, it is knowing that each person is special and unique and each is worthy and important and loved. Each of my children fill a purpose in my heart and are wanted by me and my husband. We are in fact living our dream in more ways than many could even imagine. 

Here is a question for you... Why don't you blog about some of the encouraging things people have said about your family and how many children you have :) I think more people would walk away encouraged and joy filled after reading a blog post like that, as opposed to discouraged and angry after reading the nasty stupid things people can say.

5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Knowing that I am fulfilling a more unique purpose than even I can understand
2. Knowing that I am doing what He designed me to do
3. Fulfilling my hearts dreams and desires
4. Being confident in myself, regardless of the opinions of others
5. Being able to adequately care for my family no matter how hard it can get
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Monday, April 22, 2013

DOE Questionable Statement to SBE - A lie? IDK - An Untruth, YES!

So, we've been running down the legitimacy of a comment made by a DOE rep to the state board of education last week.  Here's what was said:

mms:// At 36:42 a DOE speaker states:“and we sent an email to all families addressing a letter that was …uh…posted by the board president of Pencader last week.”
Today the waters get murkier.  See the email below where DOE explains how they generated their list of recipients.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kepner Alison
To: Elizabeth Scheinberg
Sent: Mon, Apr 22, 2013 8:12 am
Subject: RE: Information Request

We generated a list from contact info we had in e-school and sent it to all those families. 
From: Elizabeth Scheinberg
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 10:55 AM
To: Kepner Alison
Subject: Re: Information Request

Could you clarify something for me?  I have received communications from Pencader parents who state that the following letter was not sent to the Pencader parents in general but only to those who initiated directcontact the department.  The audio certainly makes it sound as if DOE was asserting the letter went to the elist that received the school's memo prompting the DOE reponse. 

Could you please clarify who received this:  All parents on the elist or just those who contacted the department directly, or an entirely other subgroup that was identified by the department.

Thank You

So, if the state pulled e-school data to generate its list of recipients - why do parents insist they never received the email?  Is eschool faulty?  Whereas phone numbers are unreliable due to transience and throwaway cells, email addresses don't tend to change frequently.  AND THE SPEAKER CLEARLY SAID "ALL" which was not the case at ALL as obviously there are some families whose email address is not in eschool.  Insane.

I have requested through the department PIO that DOE confirm that all Pencader families have email listings recorded in eschool and that if any are found to be incomplete that the department inform the SBE that the statement was not accurate. 
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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Baby Collage

The weather is start to change where I live and I am finding myself
preparing Possum more activities to do indoors. 

Of course this activity isn't restricted to indoors (or babies) 
but it helps keep children busy on such days. 

Let's get our children doing some collage! 

There are many learning benefits to a child doing this activity. 
*builds creativity
*develops a greater awareness of the 'sticky' sensation
*hand/eye coordination
*sense of achievement
*language development
*and lots more!!! 

You really don't need much to prepare your child to start making a collage. 

* clear contact paper
*sticky tape
*scrap items 
(I've used some cut up pieces of tissue paper, felt and coloured mesh) 

I firstly cut and exposed a piece of clear contact and fastened it with the sticky tape so the
sticky side was facing away from the window. 

Possum was initially hesitant to touch the sticky surface but became quite interested in it after awhile. 

I presented her with a collection of scraps that she could use on the clear contact. 

After I demonstrated my expectations, it didn't take her very long before she was 
picking up the pieces and adding them to the sticky contact. 

I would use simple sentences to help her complete this activity. Great for language!
'Pick up the paper....pat, pat, pat'. 

Soon she was adding and pulling off all of the pieces. 

I didn't get upset with her removing some of the pieces as it was her art piece and I wanted to be sure to respect that. It also made it a constantly changing piece of work. 
Everyone who came to visit would comment on Possum's work. 

Possum loved revisiting her work hours/days after it began. Daddy also loved watching her do this task. Also allowed for us to show her praise and encourage her efforts. 

I also introduced to her the idea of scrunching up some of the scrap pieces and adding them to her work. She attempted to add them, however, they didn't stick as easily and she chose against using them.

Such a simple activity for little ones to do. 

Older children can also do this activity!

X Kate


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