Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 22 Meeting with Administration, First Steps

I had the pleasure of meeting with district officials, yesterday. It was an opportunity to learn more about the individual facets of school administration, policy, programming, and finance.

It was a friendly and informational meeting. Thank You to those who found time in their busy day to meet with me. I look forward to July, when I can formally reach out to our local level administration, such building principals and program leaders, to learn more of their day-to-day challenges and successes.

And while I am on this page, if there are particular areas that you deem in my interest to learn more about, this is a great time to share it with me. At the bottom of this post you can anonymously submit a public comment. I do moderate comments before posting for inappropriate language and I do respect that some folks like their concerns to remain confidential as they are situation-specific.

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