Monday, November 16, 2009

Elementary and Secondary Education Act: Comparability provisions may affect teachers

NCLB is overdue for re-authorization and will eventually make its way through Congress at the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). 

Education Department to Demand School Pay Data

Goal Is to Find Out How Spending Between Title I and Other Schools Differs

By Stephen Sawchuk

U.S. Department of Education officials plan to require districts receiving economic-stimulus aid to report school-level salaries—a sign, observers say, that the Obama administration might seek key changes to district accounting procedures for federal Title I funds.
The reporting—the first collection of its type undertaken by the federal government—could give a clearer picture about the extent to which district spending on salaries differs between schools that receive Title I dollars for disadvantaged students and those that do not.  Go HERE for the rest of the story...

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