"Our leaders dictate almost every aspect of life to us. They dictate what our children are taught in school. It's called education reform, although some of the standards are not age-appropriate. Teachers have no say in what is taught and to whom, as it is mandated by the state..."
One election won't fix our nation
BY JASON THOMPSON • November 7, 2010
Wouldn't it be nice if we all lived in a magical land where there were endless days of pixie dust and rainbows? It sounds unrealistic, doesn't it? Then why, might I ask, is it that our political leaders think a simple election can fix our struggling nation?
For the past several months, all we have seen and heard is candidates attacking their opponents. After all the backbiting and muckraking, I wonder if any candidate is worthy of my vote. It hardly seems like our votes mean anything anymore anyway. Just look back at the 2000 presidential election where a judge, not the voters, chose our president.
Unfortunately, the problem also trickles down to the influential people who support our candidates. Instead of donating to charitable organizations, food pantries or even a local hospital, corporate CEOs and others donate money to the major parties candidates' campaigns. You don't need me to explain why that happens.
Ask yourselves this question? Every time we get a newly elected official, do things ever really change? Let's see. Everything we buy, our earned income, our licensing for vehicles and driving privileges are all taxed. Even if you are lucky enough to own your own home, you still have to pay property taxes, and if you cannot pay those taxes, you will lose your home. But our government claims it hasn't got any money. Show of hands please to those who believe this. I think I've answered the question.
Our leaders dictate almost every aspect of life to us. They dictate what our children are taught in school. It's called education reform, although some of the standards are not age-appropriate. Teachers have no say in what is taught and to whom, as it is mandated by the state.
How long is it going to be before our government is telling us what to say and how to think. It seems as if it is only a matter of time before a new law will repeal the First Amendment. Until then, my fellow Ohioans and Americans, let me remind you of this little thing called a mouth. We all have one just below our noses, and we don't need a trustee, mayor, senator, representative, governor or president to speak for us.
Jason Thompson is a resident of Philo. He is a broadcaster for various independent pro wrestling shows and a recipient of the 2008 Muskingum County Red Cross Hometown Hero Award for Education.
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