Tuesday, May 3, 2011

CSD: New Date for Last Day of School

New Date for Last Day of School

The State Board of Education has approved Christina's application for a waiver to "forgive" one of the days (January 27, 2011) when schools were closed this winter. The waiver was granted because a State of Emergency was called for New Castle County on that day. That means that students will have one less make-up day at the end of the year. The District has determined that the dates for the last day of school for students are as follows:

Tuesday, June 14 will be the last Student Day for students in Grades Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten

Wednesday, June 15 will be the last Student Day for students in Grades 1-11

The District traditionally has had an early dismissal on the last day of school for students in grades 1-11. There will be an early dismissal on the last day again this year, but the dismissal times will be modified slightly from what they have been in years past. The last-day dismissal schedule will be communicated to your child's school once it has been finalized

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