Esther said...
My friends who work at Red Lion tell me that the reports of their financial problems are greatly exaggerated, and they do not anticipate having to close or to be sold.
October 23, 2011 9:35 PM
Will the state fund those students elsewhere?
Moyer- If the state or K12 shutter the school this school year - After the critical Sept. 30 count - will the funding follow the students to their new school, assuming the families choose either charter or district options in lieu of private school? Update: DOE Representative says that there will be no funding this year for a private school student entering the public school system post Sept. 30. That's not entirely surprising - Delaware lives and dies by the Sept. 30 count. But, it does raise an ethics question - if a private school fails mid-year, is there an obligation to fund the public education of their students? Most presume that if a private school fails, those parents have the personal resources to send their child to another private school. However, private schools have many children on financial needs scholarships, full or partial. So, if a private school fails, is there a moral obligation to fund the public education of those students who are needs-based scholarships? And if the answer is "yes" then does that same obligation extend to all students? And that's our walk through morals and ethics of education funding for the evening...
Red Lion - If the private christian school with more than 700 students closes due to financial hardship, a closing that seems almost probably, and parents opt for public options - again either district or charter - will the state infuse receiving schools with funding? This one's a bit trickier to predict as Red Lion students don't generate state funding b/c of their private school status.
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