Not a new concept for the lots of little kids house hold but certainly not one that has taken place in the last... year... or two... or even three...
Inspired by the idiocy of dragging four little kids through a busy supermarket once or twice per week. I came up with a 'brain wave'. I would shop every Monday and every Thursday morning. Only... on a monday someone would be sick and a thursday someone else would be sick and so it just totally sucked. We ran our freezer supply down to half a bag of peas and a tub of yeast. Not that fancy a meal IMHO.
After another draggy-type shop apologising to just about every person I passed who almost hit one of my children I decided... no DECLARED!! I was going to shop once a month with a quick stock up of fresh foods WHEN NEEDED... Different to running a schedule.
Here is how to get one done:
1. Meal Plan - 28 Dinner Meals = 4 weeks
2. Plan Shopping List according to Meal Plan & places to purchase
3. Arrange Babysitter & Shopping Pal
4. Go Shop!
1. Meal Plan. 4 weeks = 28 Dinner Meals.
Firstly I sorted, cleaned, tidied the cupboard and what little was left in both freezers writing down anything that was needed using a white board marker on the fridge.
I then took stock take of what we already had & wanted to use up.
I then made up a menu plan page by writing the numbers 1-28 down the side.
Then I drew them into 7 boxes. 4 meals per box. and labelled them PER DAY.
I (cheated) and using the items for sale at a butcher in BULK PACKS (to save money) made up as many meal ideas as I could and put them in different places for PER DAYS. eg easy meals = Shabbat (day of rest), Crock pot meals for busy day, etc
I then finished off the meal planner, added sides, salads, and vegetables.
Then drew up the shopping list 'per day'.
When all the ingredients were put together I then re-did the shopping list, added in quantities and put different items on different sections according to WHERE THINGS ARE at the shops (& also where to buy different items).
Then, got a babysitter (something I NEVER do) for the middle-kids, grabbed a sis-in-law for the fun and off we went. A VERY full trolley & $350 later (+$200 @ butchers) I have all the necessary ingredients for many many meals without the necessity of shopping EVERY week.
I'll need to drop in for fresh foods but those trips won't take me any longer than 10 minutes per visit with 4xkids and I wont need to drag them down endless isles.
Saving time, Saving sanity, Saving money.
MUCH LOVE!!! xxx
P.S. I am trying to save LOADS of money!!! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!
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