The budget shows a very small amount of money allocated for lawyer fees in the 2012-2013 budget yet the lawyer fees for this year were many, many times more than that. How is this an accurate budget? There were several lawsuits left from the previous administration. These suits took a great deal of attorney input to end them in a way that benefited PCHS with no reprecussions; going forward, attorney’s fees should be minimal, but no 2012-2013 expected budget was presented. That process begins shortly, so we are not sure even where you think allocations for lawyer fees was presented. - email between Ann Lewis and Sarah Ster, June 29, 2012Then be sure to read the budget that Pencader presented to the state on May 30th, 2012 as required by DOE for failing to make the May 1 80% enrollment requirement for the upcoming school year - 2012-13. The school leader states that the "process begins shortly," a full 29 days after a "low enrollment" budget has been completed and submitted... And 2 days after Transparent Christina publishes the budget for the public view...
John Young says:
Check out the June 29th Ann Lewis email about UPCOMING budgets, then check this: