Wednesday, November 30, 2011

25 Days of Christmas 2011 - Day 1

Today marks the first day of the count down to "Christmas".

I am hoping to get down 'in writing' my thoughts & views on Christmas, record what we did this year, perhaps remember what we've done previous years & share my heart in some matters over the next 25 days. I would love to read what you do so feel free to link back here so I can see.

So today:
Day 1.
Involved setting up a small display with a fun Jesus activity for each day up until the 24th ready for "Christmas Day" & popping little notes into our new Advent calender. I saw this kind of 'idea' a few years ago on scrapping forums/galleries and wanted to follow on. Except for the part where I had to be creative & make it. With kids around. In 4/5yrs it hasn't happened so I purchased this one from our local Christian Bookshop.

Some 'events' include:
  • Christmas Pagent (local town affair)
  • Viewing Christmas Lights
  • Making 'Thank You' Cards for friends & family
  • Making 'gifts' for some people
  • Making biscuits with Nana Kay
  • Purchasing a special Christmas DVD & watching it
  • Reading some of our special 'Jesus Birth' books
  • Making an angel, star & nativity scene
  • Might make wrapping paper & wrap some gifts together
  • Christmas Party

We purchased a nativity scene the children can play with... Supervised... The 3 figurines are a part of the set. They are not quite... porcelein... or ceramic... Although I am not sure what they are actually made of.

Matthew 2:6
"O Bethlehem of Judah, you are not just a lowly village in Judah, for a ruler will come from you who will be the shepherd for my people Israel."

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