Sunday, May 27, 2012


Thankful for the uniqueness of my hubby...

* He misses me, even when he's only been gone one night

* Misses the children and I when he hasn't seen us for one whole day (he's home for lunch each and every day)

* reads a one year bible for children just about EVERY night (bible devotion) to the children whilst training them in self-control and comprehension

* finds ways to explain complex ideas/theologies in simple plain child language

* even at the end of a long tiring work day will find it in himself to color in with one coloring-in-princess - just because he loves her

* teaches an under-ager how to light a fire and lets him do so with rules

* goes onto medication for the benefit of his family

* goes off medication for the same reason

* has (mostly) confidence in my abilities to care for this place, raise and teach children 😊

* sacrifices things he likes for me... Like dum gadgets

* let's me use him as an ally in child training

* works everyday :) I mean 5 days plus a half day every two weeks

* works so I can buy scrapbook goodies....... I mean ink to print photos

* sacrificed gym time amounts and time of visits...

* takes one child out for errands as a mini-papa-date

* encourages children in areas they excell

* disciplines children - often (discipline means disciple)

* says the children can do just about anything.. Even drive speedway cars and fly royal Australian air force planes upside down and all sorts.

* puts up with ME

* thinks he's funny

* finally got over the trauma of having to do dishes as a child and does mine some nights.. With the children

* will go into the night and collect sweet goodies for me :D

* knows what I like best on my sub and always goes in to order it for me :)

* puts up with some terrible cooking with little complaining

* forgives me readily when I forget something he asked for on the shopping list

* would like to stuff me when I die on put me on the wall - no kidding.. (He told me)

* says he would be so sad if I died he would want to die too :(

* regrets stupidity on his behalf

* is really trying and succeeding in becoming the man he was created to be

* is doing really really well.. Even better than I thought and in many ways better than I imagined.

But Michael, your still a fur-ball with really big feet ;)

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