Friday, September 30, 2011


You must be busy!
You look busy!
They must keep you busy
Busy busy busy

All comments I have been recieving while out lately.

Yeah. I'm busy. I've been busy since I had my first, busier since my second. Busy is my new normal.

Surely this is said by well-meaning people or those who don't know what to say. Perhaps we feel we must say something to others even unintelligible statements such as "you must be busy".

Truth is I now use this as an answer. Truthful as it might be its not truth in its complete form.

"Busy" is an acceptable answer to the 'how you been?' Question. "Very busy" if they prive deeper. Add in a "tired" and they can suddenly relate. Reminiscent of previous years prior to children and the focus is suddenly shifted from how am I doing to 'other'. I like other.

See. The truth is I'm praying for a miracle. Whilst it hasn't yet happened I'm still praying. Daily.

Yet daily there is the struggle and fight to have faith that the miracle will occur and remaining hopeful in my circumstance. Yes, I have doubts and reservations and what ifs.

I am constantly praised for the wonderful works I am doing with these lots of little kids and being brave taking them all out with me (& trully I am grateful for it - often coming at perfect and needing times for my mothers heart). They are not my greatest struggles. They are easy in comparison to being out of my depth.

I do think its not fair and I do chuck toddler-sized tantrums.

I guess that we each have our struggles that determines our heart ache and need for a loving saviour however different it might be.

Are you crushed in spirit? Are you broken hearted? The Lord will save you. Reach out to Him today.

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

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