Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Home schooling: guided play

When strangers discover that I home school (which is happening more and more often cos my school aged kid is always with me and never at 'school') I can visually see them cloak me with a SUPER cape with a giant "S". "S" standing for super mum OR stupid. Either or I'm not offended. It doesn't help my case having a couple younger kids with me either. How do you manage? I dunno. I have to. I choose to. I'm not perfect (unfortunately for all involved)

Today I don't feel like I'm managing. Feeling broken, feeling worthless, feeling like everything I say, do or attempt fails.

On top of this I am sick. I have 4 sick kids. My baby is full of snot. We are not sleeping the best and I'm finding the sound of my name being called as a burden rather than a delight from lots of little kids.

I don't feel like dealing with rebellion, or facing a carton of weetbix thrown around the kitchen by an unsupervised toddler. I don't want my husband to return home at lunch to see exactly that I've showered and ive fed the baby. Nothing else is done.

So. Being the semi-wise homeschooling mum that I am I've provided the children with their own learning.

See? I'm just a simple mum with little difference than others.

Now. If I can get the toddler occupied without me I won't get jumped on anymore. Ideas?

5 things I am thankful for (feeling very unthankful)
1. Bible on CD
2. Puzzles
3. Kitchen door (its closed)
4. Sleep in
5. That we don't feel like this daily

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