Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Dear Avigail @ 10 Months

Your character and personality is shining brighter and brighter. You are definitely a wriggly baby like your big sister was. You hardly keep still. You are still being breastfed but mainly because you refuse a bottle. Even while feeding you will grab your leg and pull it backwards behind you and wriggle some more. Other times you spin around and rock while feeding. I can't say it's a pleasurable experience for me but it's amusing.. Sometimes.

You have the exploring thing too. Where you crawl all over the place searching and checking things out. You've discovered the spinner thing on your activity table so happily spin away for ages. You seem to have a fascination with pulling books off the bookshelf. I remain unamused at the book cover tearing and page scrunching.

Your an expert crawler but have just started standing and even taking just a few steps. 3 today actually. I'm impressed and your so clever.

You jabber a lot and say words like dadda to your papa and can say kitty and jarah.

You know your name.

I can get you to smile funny by opening my mouth wide open to bear my teeth and/or raising my eye brows. It's so funny.

You flap your arms around all the time. Even with stuff in them. I think your funny.

You still pinch and it hurts. You pull siblings hair and make them scream.

I think your unique in the way you enjoy a little tickle from your papa but will let out an outrageous roar when you've had enough. Your letting your feelings known quite... Loudly...

Anyway, I still love you, in fact my love for you just grows and grows.

Love Mum xx

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