“As AstraZeneca explained to us, they are trying to position the company for a return to growth and with that comes some very difficult corporate decisions,” said Catherine Rossi, spokesperson for Gov. Jack Markell’s Office. “It is not easy to hear people will lose their jobs or move to another location. We wish AstraZeneca were positioned differently, but we understand the business challenges the company faces as it works to reinvigorate its scientific leadership.”
Delaware’s Department of Transportation spent about $70 million on road improvements in the area around AstraZeneca’s headquarters on Concord Pike.
Markell's job creation policy in a nutshell - Spend $70 million on road improvements for a company that's about throw the tax payer/employees who funded that work to the wind. Do I hear Fisker in the breeze?
When is our Governor going to engage in a job growth plan that benefits the residents of Delaware rather than his business buddies?
Hey, Jack, how did that phone call to Colonial's School Board go for you? Did you save your blessed language immersion program? You know, that program won't do much in a district that can't afford to keep its lights on... I can see it now - Students learning Mandarin by candlelight...
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