Fitness is also a reason we feel it important to participate in physical activities. Although it is not the main focus of the overall household it is important, to some more than others.
We are blessed to have children who are naturally gifted in certain areas over others, including physical activities which we desire to enhance and encourage.
Excerpt from the Curriculum Framework for Health & Physical Education available for download (link under lots of links)
Health and Physical Education provides students with an understanding of health issues and the skills needed for confident participation in sport and recreational activities. This enables students to make responsible decisions about health and physical activity to promote their own and others' health and well-being.Health
At this stage we do not formally do any health studies. Health is a natural learning day-to-day actual proceedings that takes place where ever we go. We learn about it through life, discussions and practical application. I see no need to follow a curriculum or workbook in this area and especially at the ages our children are.
Here's how:
Healthy Eating
While going about our general day-to-day life we talk about all sorts of issues, such as
- what foods are healthy,
- why should we not eat certain foods and
- why we eat a lot of other foods.
You know how it is when kids want Ice Cream for breakfast!
We developed our own style of Healthy Food Pyramid based on
- plant produce (eat most)
- animal produce (eat moderately)
- man made produce (eat least)
On another occasion we might walk past someone who lights up a cigarette (we don't smoke, nor do many people we know, and if they do I don't think I ever see them smoke) which will inspire a conversation about why they are 'lighting a fire and eating it'. We discuss the implications of breathing smoke and toxins in and how they go into your lungs. They've seen the pictures on discarded cigarette packets laying on the park floor. (sorry smokers, you know its unhealthy! It is nothing personal)
Dental Care
After meal times or the end of the day we will talk about why we brush our teeth. Actually after meal times when we wash our hands the toothbrushes sit upon the mirror, our Avigail calls for 'teeth' and has a go at brushing her teeth EVERY TIME! Homeschooling means that children ARE usually home after meal times and CAN brush their teeth 3-5 times a day. This is just practical hands on bonuses to homeschooling
Hand Washing
We might discuss why we wash our hands and different aspects of germs and getting sick while driving down the street or coming inside after being outside.
Medical Needs
Then there is the aspect of a child needing emergency medical assistance and taking that spontaneous unplanned homeschool excursion to the hospital. Every situation is an opportunity to learn different aspects of life, even things such occupations and what goes on in different places. (When our oldest contracted Asthma, Bronchitis & Pnuemonia all at once we did 'home schooling' from the hospital bed for a couple of days. We learnt about doctors and nurses and what they do, needles, taking blood tests and even heart rate monitors.) If your looking for opportunities to do home schooling these are just some of the ways to do it, all you need to do is take the opportunities regardless of what is going on.
From time to time someone is required to take medication, we always talk about why they are taking it and that if other kids took the medicine when they don't need it they can get very unwell.
First Aid
Bandages and bandaids. We are not a family with a heavy usage of bandaids, they are rarely used. We usually pray for the bangs and bruises for the pain to go In Jesus Name, there to be no lasting effects and for comfort for the child.
On occasions we WILL use bandages or bandaids, to cover the sore/scrape/exposed area and protect from DIRT. Lets face it. Kids play in dirt. Especially when they are on the feet.
Eye Safety
We remind children why we do not shine lights into the eyes of others. Like torch lights. Despite reminding children not to do this, and walking into the Doctors to have them shine a light in their eyes? Hmmm..
Skin Cancer
We look at the pictures in the Doctors surgery while waiting. Children want to know what the different kinds of skin cancers are and how they got them.
Sun Protection
Putting sunscreen on when we go out on hot days, talking about not getting burnt and not getting skin cancers. Discussing why we wear the kind of swimming outfits we wear. Reasons we wear hats when outdoors.
Disease and Sickness
We even talk about diseases and sickness and illness that people get and disabilities, such as leprosy (Jesus healed people with leprosy), the blind (Jesus healed the blind), the lame (Jesus healed people who walked). Some of these discussions arise from seeing or hearing the ambulance or driving past the hospital, other times it is inspired from reading the Bible Scriptures or story books.
Naturally Learning
Most of these activities are either routine or unplanned, inspired by an action that needs to take place or something that we see. All these things and many more, discuss the importance of certain health aspects and adds a hands on practical life experience to the 'lesson'.
Take the Opportunities available
All you need to do is look for the opportunity, answer curious kids questions, practice healthy lifestyle practices. Talk, discuss, question them!
I see no practical point in printing out worksheets and have children complete them when they are learning them in a natural and real environment.
Lots of Links:
Curriculum Framework
5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Good health for ALL my family
2. Healthy foods available easily
3. Natural learning, where the knowledge is practiced
4. Prayer, for all the aches and pains, illness and sickness
5. Complete healing in all instances
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