Saturday, March 2, 2013

Pregnancy #5 34 weeks gest

As we approach the 34 week mark I am beginning to think and notice the time just a little bit more. The children are all prepped and ready, I mean overly ready. They know what is going to happen and what they can expect, even Avigail the nearly 2 year old baby is aware there is a baby up my tummy *pokes belly button and giggles*.

I've been experiencing some really sharp pains as the baby is beginning its preparation in being forcibly extracted from its cosy cone. Pains being the babies movements and wriggles into bones. Hip bones, pelvic bones, under the ribs. Mostly the attempt at engaging into the pelvic area where 4 siblings have made their grand exit into this beautiful but sinful world in which we live.

Being the fifth baby I am well aware of what body parts are what, this babe being no exception. I can feel the head and the neck waaay down below where one could expect it to be too early to be so close and yet so far. The interesting part is the shoulder sticking out into the lower muscles of my abdomen.

Then hubby says it... "Your not in labour are you?" Whaaa??!

No, chill out. I am not in labour.

So I pull out the car seat, put it altogether, set it all up so its all ready to go.  Just. In. Case.

We are still unawares of the gender of this precious and sought after babe, and still unawares of the name that God has already picked out for the baby we fought so hard to conceive through Prayer and Faith, even though we had already conceived so easily and naturally 5 times prior.

I have no doubts in my mind if and how I am going to love this babe, knowing full well that babies bring love into the world and into our hearts in much unexpected unconditional ways. Fully convinced that this babe is already so loved and wanted and cherished before it has made its way into our physical world, this babe is already within each of our hearts.

Children are learning patience, babies take such a long time to fully form and develop, counting down the specific birthdays and special events until its time for the baby to be born, the placenta to be detached and the cord to be cut.

Children have learnt all sorts of human biology and conception and baby growth, possibly more than primary school kids, possibly more than high school kids, possibly more than young parents going through it themselves. As I remind children of things that will happen they matter of fact reply "I know! Why are you telling me this?" They've heard it all before.

It would be a hearts desire come true, to bring forth life in the comfort of my own home, in the presence of my own husband and our own children. To bear witness of the natural process of labour and birth. To bring forth life in an atmosphere of Worship and Praise.

The upcoming month is dedicated to baby preparation and homeschooling, pushing homeschooling stuff ahead so that we don't fall too far behind as life changes once again for the rest of our lives.

Baby number 5... 5 children.... 5 kids 7 and under... Lots of Little Kids...

As we approach that number, do we finally become considered a large family? I am not sure yet but I am sure that I will soon find out.

Children's ages will vary. Isaiah will be 7 years and 5 months, Amalia will be 5 years and 4 months, Jarah will be 3 years and 9 months and Avigail will be 24 months/2years old.

With the birth of this babe I expect to receive more sleep at nights, and wrestling beloved baby from the grips of four children. Loved. Sibling Love. Parental Love.

So far, all up, I've had a total weight gain of 4kgs allowing 6kgs until I reach my absolute maximum. You could hardly tell how ecstatic I am, achievement! Pride! 5km walks with the family several times a week. Physically, I am feeling good. With the last two babies I gained 30kgs EACH time! Losing the 30kgs between the two of them. So this is HUGE!!

The decisions we made all those months ago have not been in vain and are not regretted. Hubby states he is glad he is off medication (Anti-Depressants) even though there have been very difficult times there for awhile and we are blessed to be bringing another baby into the world and into our family. (Hubby's Anti-D medication was making him infertile, so the decision was made through prayer and obedience to the will of God that hubby came off them, and with that act of obedience we fell pregnant just about straight away)..

5 Things I Am Thankful for:
1. God's infinite wisdom, especially in the area of families and babies
2. The ability to conceive
3. His Will for MY life
4. Feeling so much better
5. Not gaining too much weight!!

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