The state has cited this phrase as the reason it is singling out Christina for possible grant revocation: “The District will also align resources as well as the plan for implementation with the State sponsored incentive assistance program scheduled for implementation in 2012.”
“The District will also align resources as well as the plan for implementation with the State sponsored incentive assistance program scheduled for implementation in 2012.”
This phrase is getting a lot of attention these days. It's been seized upon by a lot of bullies in Dover who are hellbent decapitating local control. It's the reason the bullhounds think Christina's amendment to its RTTT plan to implement a collaborative and responsible incentive pay program is rejection-worthy. Yep, this is the source of a $2.3 million ire.
So let's boil down these words to their core form - something akin to diagramming... Is that even taught under the common core?
The District will align resources as well as the plan for implementation with the incentive assistance program.
First stab - "plan for implementation with ... program." I didn't realize that we could plan for implementation with a program, I thought we planned with people and implemented programs. Shit. Don't tell my mom that she wasted thousands of dollars on private education.
Second stab - I see three key words here: ALIGN and PLAN FOR. Let's take a closer look:
align [əˈlaɪn]
The District will bring its own resources into agreement with the policy of the DOE as well as prepare for implementation with the state sponsored incentive assistance program. 1. to place or become placed in a line
2. to bring (components or parts, such as the wheels of a car) into proper or desirable coordination or relation
3. (tr; usually foll by with) to bring (a person, country, etc.) into agreement or cooperation with the policy, etc. of another person or group
4. (tr) (Psychology) Psychol to integrate or harmonize the aims, practices, etc. of a group
5. (usually followed by with) (Psychology) Psychol to identify with or match the behaviour, thoughts, etc. of another person
[from Old French aligner, from à ligne into line]
plan for something
1. to prepare for something. I need to take some time and plan for my retirement. We carefully planned for almost every possibility.
2. to prepare or estimate for a certain number [of people or things]. I am planning for twelve. I hope everyone can come.
See also: plan
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Somebody, somewhere, tell me where Christina wrote: We will align and implement the state's wasteful, thoughtless, gutless program?
As far as I can read, CSD only committed to line up its resources and prepare for implementation. We NEVER actually said/wrote IMPLEMENT (vb.) Does DOE really think that was an oversight? Hah! Does Coach really think that the boards and districts would commit to implement something that didn't yet exist and of which literally nothing was known? We may be holding onto local control by a thread, but we are still holding on. Former Sec. Lillian Lowery approved this plan - knowing full well what the words said and meant - that the district would evaluate what was put forth to us and make the appropriate judgement at that time. That TIME has come and our answer is NO, We've aligned and planned. But, what we have chosen for "implementation" is a collaboration that invests in the teacher or into the teacher's classroom. And that's what our direct service providers, our front-line associates, our TEACHERS say they need to help them propel student learning to the next level.
The ridiculous threats to tear money away from our children amount to spitting at humanity's 2nd most precious commodity - our teachers. Yeah, okay, Coach, keep spittin'. But, remember, the guy sending us your threats is shoppin' his resume as we speak. How's that for talent retention?
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