Oh how I Love Thee,
You are so perfect, so precious, so pretty. 11 weeks old tomorrow, where has the time gone? It is hard to imagine that it was that long ago that I rubbed my tummy to feel your kicks and how you would start thumping when your Papa walked into the room and he'd talk. Hard to believe that you gave me so many torturous months of morning sickness and that I would willingly do it again just for you.
Your so wonderful. You slept through the night since you were 5 weeks old with 3 nights you've woken in the middle of it for a feed. I don't mind. 10 hour sleeps for something so small - I'm amazed.
You feed well, burp lots and spew all over my clean clothes. It's become an expectation.
Your hair has thickened up and grown, your chubby rolls on your back been smoothed out and the cradle cap settled down.
You prefer a vertical position and being cuddled by me and the swaying/bouncing thing that has become a part of my nature. You hold your head up high and look around at your environment.
When mummy goes to curves you sit happily and look around before calling out for someone to get you out to look around and cuddle. You will happily smile and chatter to strangers and let them snuggle and coo.
You have fitted into our family well, your siblings adore you, kiss you, smother you, cuddle you and help you. Just the other day Jarah said "Oh Bubba!" when you started stirring in the shopping trolley.
These times have gone by way too fast that I have shed tears for it. I have cherished so many moments with you, not wasting them. I guess you learn how the time flies when your not the first bubba.
Yesterday and Today you have been abit unsettled. Is it something I ate? Cries, vomit, cuddles and more cries. Sorry my bubba I am doing everything I can for you at the moment.
With Lots of Love
Loads of cuddles
Mum xx
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