Unfortunately the legislature does not have anything to do with making the decision to keep a school opened - it is the State Board of Education that makes the final decision. I would recommend your lobbying efforts be directed to the members of the State Board. I support the school and have heard wonderful things about the students and the progress that has been made academically. I am so sorry about the financial issues. I do plan to support your efforts to keep the school opened.
Margaret Rose Henry
For those interested in contacting the state board over the Charter School issues or other concerns, here they are:
Dr. Terry Quinn Gray,
Jorge Melendez,
Gregory Coverdale, gcoverdale@DOE.K12.DE.US;
G. Patrick Heffernan, pheffernan@DOE.K12.DE.US
Barbara Rutt,
Dr. James, Wilson, imjwilson@comcast.netDr. Terry Whittaker,
Dr. Lillian Lowery,
CompensationThe compensation of State Board members is specified in 14 Del. C. §104(h), which states the following:(h) The members of the Board shall receive $100 for each day’s attendance at the meetings of the Board not to exceed 24 days’ attendance in any 1 calendar year; and they shall be reimbursed for the actual travel and other necessary expenses incurred in attending meetings and transacting the business of the Board.
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