Monday, January 16, 2012

Skate park

For "school" we went to the skate park. I figure it's a greater overall learning opportunity then sitting in a classroom reciting phonics. Mind you it won't teach him to read and write but sure teaches them scientific stuff. It's a fairly well rounded lesson really fit for all ages.

Next door is the indoor mini golf shed who had maintenance men cutting drain pipes and putting new ones in. Isaiah wanted to know what they were doing.

There was this kid there turning 5 next month on a scooter doing jumps off the big bits and dropping down the bigger bits and I thought he was mad but he is really quite talented at it. Especially for a 4yr old. I was scared for him ;)

We took my bro in law (10) & sis in law (8) along too. Hubby even came with us as he is on holidays for a week.
A glimpse into life with 6 kids? Easy peasy..

We had a simple BBQ lunch before heading home for quiet time and a rest for the rest of us.

Not bad for a school excursion eh ;)

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