I wrote this a week ago, but didn't publish it. I didn't want a heap of people on my doorstep trying to tell me what to do and how to do it, berating me for my choice in conception time after time after time, demanding Its time to send my kid to school which would be in direct rebellion to what God has told me to do and yes it has happened!!, or telling me things I already knew. So I chuck it in now, as a reminder, as a truthful representation of who I am and what life can get like with lots of little kids. What? That's not blogger protocol of the perfected self and life? Atleast in portrayal? Pfft.. I don't do what most others do in real life.. So here it goes.. The confession..
Just recently I've noticed myself being worn thin, not from doing too much but for being too much.
Come lunch time daily I'm exhausted until after dinner.
The children have been kids and made messes and explored, which hasn't helped my plight in resting.
We threw into our weekly schedule a weekly visit to our local Christian bookshop to hire out some DVDs to keep kids busy while I chilled, or dreamed to.
But then it went further than that.
I'm at the end of my physical and emotional ability.
I've cried, and sooked, and laid in bed for hours trying to rest. I've gotten angry and lost my short-temper at the children AND my husband.
My ability to cope mentally with crap that's happened in the past has disappeared. And so have come the outbursts.
Literally, I have nothing left. Nothing. I'm at the end of me.
And that's where the begining of Him begins. Because I can not do what needs to be done I've had no choice but to call upon my Saviour Jesus Christ and ask for His Strength. And that's all I manage to muster. My deepest prayer. Lord it's your turn, I've got nothing left.
As I woke this morning (a week ago), I managed to get 20-30 loads of washing through my two machines ready for my mother-in-law to hang up tomorrow. Not kidding. Isn't she lovely!!
I managed to clean up most the kitchen..
I managed to clean up the master bedroom, the obvious dumping ground for everyone's crap. 4 garbage bags full of rubbish. A feat just in itself.
I managed to get a heap of washing put away. And some lounge tidied..
And a little bit done in the girls room.
For me, lately, that's so much. Come lunch time? *crash*
And now I sit, typing, listening to kids playing with each other, awaiting my hubby to return home so we can eat as a family and get kids to bed.
In my end-of-me current state I could write a list of reasons to NOT have 4 kids in 5yrs, or even lots of little kids. Yeah, told you I was feeling it.
5 things I am thankful for:
1) Jesus, for being my strength
2) funny things kids say that makes me giggle
3) knowing this is a SEASON
4) hubby picking up a bit more than he usually does, I've needed it
5) worship music, that helps me retain a bit of focus, if only for a few moments,
Disclaimer: it's not because of the children that life has been hard.. ;)
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