Monday, August 5, 2013

Summer Safety for Your Children

by guest blogger Jacqueline Seewald

There are many factors to consider in providing your child with summer safety, especially on vacation. Let's look at a few:

Skin Problems:

The summer heat guarantees that a good deal of skin will be exposed. One problem to deal with is sunburn. It would be ideal if you could get your child to wear a hat, sunglasses and a white shirt in direct sunlight. Are you able to do that?  Probably not.  Even small children will resist. So what can you do?  Sun block and sunscreens do not completely prevent problems. They also wear off. If sunburn does become a problem, consider providing an oatmeal bath. Simply fill a tub with tepid water, then grind up oatmeal in the blender and scatter it in the tub. Oatmeal is soothing to burned skin. (My husband's grandmother sponged with vinegar and we found that soothing as well. If these homeopathic methods don't work, contact your pediatrician.) 
Rashes caused by plants
Poison ivy and poison oak are eased by cold milk compresses.  That old standby Calamine lotion provides excellent relief as well. But again, it's best to check with your child's physician.  

Bug Safety
  • Don't use scented soaps, perfumes or hair sprays on your child. 
  • Avoid areas where insects nest or congregate, such as stagnant pools of water, uncovered foods and gardens where flowers are in bloom. 
  • Avoid dressing your child in clothing with bright colors or flowery prints. (You don’t want your child confused for a flower or plant by an insect) 
  • To remove a visible stinger from skin, gently scrape it off horizontally with a credit card or your fingernail. 
  • Insect repellents containing DEET are the most effective. 
  • The concentration of DEET in products may range from less than 10 percent to over 30 percent. The benefits of DEET reach a peak at a concentration of 30 percent, the maximum concentration currently recommended for infants and children. DEET should not be used on children under 2 months of age. 
Insect bites
Bee and wasp stings can be serious and dangerous.  Immediate relief from the itching can be had by making a paste from unseasoned meat tenderizer. I've had to use this any number of times for my husband and sons as well as myself. For anyone who is allergic to such stings, it's best to keep an antihistamine on hand. Vinegar and Calamine lotion are also soothing old-fashioned remedies for mosquito bites.
Heat Rash
This is a very common problem with small children. What has worked best for my own children has been cornstarch. I put it in a salt shaker and then shook it on the irritated areas. Perspiration is absorbed by cornstarch which dries the skin.
For comprehensive information available on this subject and more, go to The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) website.

Sun Exposure 
Babies under 6 months:
  • Dressing infants in lightweight long pants and long-sleeved shirts and brimmed hats are still the top recommendations from the AAP to prevent sunburn. When adequate clothing and shade are not available, parents can apply a minimal amount of sunscreen to small areas, such as the infant's face and the back of the hands. 
For Young Children:
  • Apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outside, and use sunscreen even on cloudy days. The SPF should be at least 15. 
For Older Children:
  • The first, and best, line of defense against the sun is covering up. Wear a hat with a three-inch brim or a bill facing forward, sunglasses (look for sunglasses that block 99-100% of ultraviolet rays), and cotton clothing with a tight weave. 
  • Stay in the shade whenever possible, and avoid sun exposure during the peak intensity hours - between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. 
  • Use a sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of 15 or greater. Be sure to apply enough sunscreen - about one ounce per sitting for a young adult. 
  • Reapply sunscreen every two hours, or after swimming or sweating.
Heat Stress in Exercising for Children:
  • The intensity of activities that last 15 minutes or more should be reduced whenever high heat and humidity reach critical levels. 
  • At the beginning of a strenuous exercise program or after traveling to a warmer climate, the intensity and duration of exercise should be limited initially and then gradually increased during a period of 10 to 14 days to get used to the heat. 
  • Before prolonged physical activity, the child should be well-hydrated. During the activity, periodic drinking should be enforced (each 20 minutes, 5 oz of cold tap water or a flavored sports drink for a child weighing 88 lbs, and 9 oz for an adolescent weighing 132 lbs, even if the child does not feel thirsty). 
  • Clothing should be light-colored and lightweight and limited to one layer of absorbent material to evaporate sweat. Sweat-saturated garments should be replaced by dry garments. 

Children at Play:
  • Your child needs to wear a helmet on every bike ride. All skateboarders and scooter-riders should wear a helmet and other protective gear as well. 
  • At playgrounds, check metal swings and slides to make certain they are not hot enough to burn your child’s skin.
It’s best to be cautious with your child’s safety, especially when on vacation when it’s easier to become lax.

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