Sunday, June 26, 2011

Friday 17th June 2011

{{Please Note: Since turning the (stupid) internet off at our house I somehow managed to break... But don't think having an EX-tech for a husband means it is fixed because it is not... and I am thinking it's not going to be... so I have no net & have been (relatively) loving it... Therefore this post was written on the 17th June and is outdated but still worthy of recording IMHO}}

I am currently laid up on the couch, frozen peas weighing down my freshly swollen and brusied leg, ankle and foot. sil's prepping and cooking dinner for my tribe, hubby at work (home soon), kids being kids and chickens getting rounded into the house and trapped indoors.
It is a busy time of day for me in our household. I have a house to tidy up, dinner to cook, a kitchen to tidy and prepare for our family meal, children to supervise and order around, kids to prep for bed. I am conscious that hubby needs to be out of the house ready to serve in ministry and me not (seemingly) to have the ability to even stand let alone take the groceries out of our car and put them safely in the refrigerator. I am reminded that I want a goat, or even a (small) cow to milk so I don't have to do groceries... Yep... I'm aware that your gasping at this crazy woman... I'm thinking I may skip the cow...
 Glad that my 3 month old baby was being snuggled close in one arm, 23 month toddler was strapped tightly into the baby section of the overflowing double trolley when it tipped and (strangely enough) it was only me who was injured by the ordeal. Grateful that many men saw this damsal in distress when that trolley went down kids and all and rushed unseen to our rescue. Unthanked men at that. Not for unthankfulness but from shock. Being escorted through the carpark was such a help for me.

Shopping with 4 kids on my own is proving a little bit more challenging than it used to be. I guess I am noticing more when I am having 3-6 strangers offer their assistance. Does it look THAT hard? Feels normal to me.

I've been talking to the children about running off where I can't see them. How they could get hurt, they could get stolen or they could get run over by a car or something because I can not protect them when they are out of my sight. I seriously contemplated paying a stranger $100 to snatch the kid that ran off and hold them hostage for a couple hours until they begged for mercy in the thought that they would never EVER take off from me again. They are getting confident, and daring, and egging one another on. I am not having as much fun as I used to at the shops with them.

Tomorrow I have curves, but with this foot? Ouchies...

Fast forward a couple hours...

Finally I can walk (or hobble), kids were put to bed for me, I am grateful for the company, the servant hearted help that I receive from loved ones.

I am (even more) aware of how important my position is within the home. It took two? deaths of people that I don't even know to realise how important each individual is to the people around them, whether they are close, knew of them, knew them, worked with them, or even just know their family. And that includes me. Yet here I am, laid upon the couch, feet up, blanket on, unable to complete the simplest of tasks.

Yelling at my children to go get milk and yoghurt out of the car and put it in the fridge before it goes off and we all get sick. Seriously, I was yelling. And I was getting frustrated from my immobilsed position. Frustrated because the dog kept rounding the chickens up and they were coming inside and I know fair well they are not potty trained! Frustrated because my toddler has hit the "nar" stage and the I-heard-you-but-I-am-not-obeying stage which has resulted in several random objects landing smack bang in someones face too many times already. That cat kept making attempts at creeping inside.

I praise myself that I've taken the time to teach and show and train the children to complete household tasks, including carrying groceries from the car inside and putting them away. Frustrated that all I want them to do this time is get the groceries IN and put the milk away and it wasn't happening. Surprised to discover all the while I am calling and yelling out to hurry up and get the milk out of the car they had been putting groceries away. I should have known better. I should have known that they would automatically begin the process of putting things away. I should have known the personality of my oldest child that he would be attempting to sort out the fridge to fit things in a bit better. That's what I call in-your-face. When you jump to the conclusion that something is happening (or not happening) and you are proven wrong. But it is a good wrong. Cos that training, and working alongside has paid off, and at their young ages too.
It shows me that at a later date they will manage without me, it shows that they will be able to keep the household running when I'm out-of-action, and that fills my heart with peace. It shows that by the end of their time living in our home they (hopefully) will have the abilities to run their own home, and (hopefully) run their own families/business/work whatever.

{ETA: The foot is still stollen and bruised and a little bit tender but I am able to walk and complete everything I need to. AND still go to Curves...}

5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Cooking SILs, who love us! and put some of us to bed!
2. Strangers, that rush to ones needs! Oh what servant hearted people...
3. "Safe" fall, I am conscious that my BABY could have been in her capsule AT the time, and that my toddler just 'went' with it because he had been sleeping.
4. Resting, with my feet up
 5. That the foot is feeling much much better and I have been able to get around.

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