Friday, June 17, 2011

Will Sen. Dori Conner Stand with Pencader?

Letter from Dori Connor to her constituent regarding Pencader Charter High School:

Many of us have made inquiry into your situation and are awaiting answers from the Dept of Education and do not know of any action that is taking place to change the course. I applaud your open meeting on the 21st and am hopeful for a successful event.

I am not able to attend your gathering due to my responsibilities and required attendance for Legislative Session in Dover on the day. At this time of year our agendas tend to be quite lengthy and no one can predict the length of debate on each proposal, that is why I am not at liberty to commit my attendance at any function on session days. These next two weeks are our final days with a close-out date of the 30th. Our days are very long and go into the evening and in the last week we have a history of even going in the next morning.

In closing, as a parent and former educator, please know that I have been a strong supporter of families having the opportunity to select the education plan that is best for their child… it public, charter or private. Again I regret that I am not able to attend on the 21st.

Yours in Service,
Dori Connor
State Senator

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