I have to say that without a doubt I am blessed to have the opportunity to teach and train my children in their academic studies. I am grateful that in our country it is not mandatory to send our children to a public or private educational institute.
I am in the belief that children learn better in that which interests them. I am not entirely sure how it come about but our oldest (5yrs) has had a strange fascination with the bones & blood in our bodies. One day I got a book with illustrations of the body (skeletel, muscles, bones, eye, ear canal, etc) & he loved it. I think one part of his interest is because it is HIS body that we also talk about, that and the fact that blood is in 'cords' or 'tubes' in our bodies and he can see them.
Imagine my surprise & delight as a homeschooling mum when I waltzed into Dick Smith & found these things below for $25. They have skeletons, muscles, the eye, the ear, female & male reproductive organs, & a baby in utereo <--- I want that one!
At age 28 I learnt that the top bone in your leg is called a Femur & there are TWO bones in the bottom half of your leg called a Tibula & Fibula. My children have learnt this at age 3 & 5. Not that age matters, it just means to me that they've learnt something at the same time that I learnt something.
I loved making this 3D puzzle of the human body. I loved how I could see what I was talking about and what went where and see the different kinds of joins in my very own hands, & I loved that the children could do so also. It also shows where the major arteries & veins are also.
I love that they can go back and do it again also :)
I could go back and buy EVERY box that they have!! I'll keep adding to our 'body' collection.
5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Puzzle type activity
2. Price
3. Learning through touch
4. Cheat Sheet that tells me what Im looking at and what they're called
5. Home schooling
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