I hate the moment that you've slipped and fallen down with a baby in your arms, you can feel the pain searing up your knees, your ankle, your elbow and your wrist and your wondering "oh no! How hurt is she?" As you look into her face that says "Yep, I'm going to scream and howl" & you wonder do we need an ambulance or did I take that fall?
& I hate how you were just thinking Grrr, I need to wipe this water spillage off these stupid floors BEFORE someone slips again and hurts themselves...
& I hate the feeling of needing to learn how to do the splits to fall a bit more gracefully so you can reply "yep I did that on purpose".
I hate not being able to get up when your crumbled on the ground still wondering if the howling baby is okay or not, call for help? just stay put and comfort the baby? home with 4 small kids, what are the options?
I hate the pain that continues and spreads down your leg as you do move because you know you need to get to a safer, comfier position to assess the damage and work out if your body is still in good working order.
I hate that children use THAT moment to get out of bed and annoy you when they've been put to bed and told to got to sleep. I hate that if you don't get up and see to them they'll use it against you at a later time.
I hate that you have to get up before your ready to, using and moving those painful places.
I hate that it either happens when your home alone or when your at the front doors of a busy shopping centre with lots of witnesses.
I hate lino in kitchens, and everywhere else!
But I love how our bodies were created to fall in such a way to protect the innocent of sudden impact, the fragile bodies from severe injury, and how so close to the mothers body an infant can be comforted.
Tonight I am Thankful,
Thankful that the only impact was occured by me,
Thankful that if bubba did get 'hit' it was ever so slightly on her cushioned bottom,
Thankful that there is no lasting damage
Thankful for the snores I can hear
Thankful for the sudden and automatic reflexes saved our baby from what could have been very very bad.
Thankful that my body pulled and held her in tight on the short yet speedy way down
Thankful that this time 'splits' were unnecessary.
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