Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Right Now...

A glimpse into what is going on RIGHT NOW... 2:28pm

Michael is at work
I am getting all worked up about not being able to do anything
Isaiah has gone out with miks mum & aunts & uncle
Amalia is disobeying me. She will not rest for quiet time
Jarah has been put into bed for the 100th time in the past hour and a half because he is OVER TIRED & stayed up half the night last night. His door is now shut & he's asleep already.
Avigail cries if I put her down or let her go
Daisy (dog) is chasing chickens

Bubba who sleeps all night wants close body to body contact with me only.
I have so many things to catch up on its not funny.
I just cleaned the fridge out to find the clean drying drawer now has an egg cracked into it (cos I've been with bubba).

I can blog coz bubba is on my chest but I can't do the dishes or clean the kitchen or pick up toys or prep dinner.

This sort of stuff happens when you have lots of little kids.

Thankfully I did the homeschooling early at the breakfast table while still in our PJs and the other children were busy eating their cereal and pouring milk on the table.

Now at 2:39 (yes it takes that long to type the above one handed with kids)
Jarah is asleep, Isaiah is gone, Avigail is sleeping on me & Amalia is finally having her quiet time. Think it is time to get up, get dinner ready, get the kitchen tidied before I run out of time and the kids wake up.

ETA: Jarah is teething which explains the highly sustainable tantrums... poor kid...  Plus I got dinner made, kitchen tidied, dishes put away at a pay increase of 3 jelly beans instead of 1, hall semi-tidied & a child returned. On another note my permanent fixture has temporarily been removed and is now giggling, squealing and talking on the bed a whole 15cms from my body. *grin*
I {heart} My Job :)

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