Friday, December 2, 2011

25 Days of Christmas 2011 - Day 2

I'm not sure we did anything exciting or different today as opposed to other days. Regular house hold jobs, errands down town, pondering the meaning & purposes of life. Thinking of the future.

I dragged four kids to the council office to pay the transfer fee for our new car. Except it was overdue & there was a fine and suspension of hubbys licence.
So I dragged four kids to the court house hoping to get it un-suspended before Hubby found out.
When I told the lady that hubbys drivers licence is suspended she looked it up and found a fine but no suspension so she called the council office.
Council office had already called Michael and told him. Doh. But said I needed to pick up a form. So I went back. Again. Picked up a form about an immoboliser to fill in. So we went to get Michael's  signature at work and back to council office and pay the bill with the fine lifted. That took a lot of effort for all involved. Including a couple of stacks and a face plant. But not by me. This time. What does an immobiliser have to do with it all I have no idea :/

We then tottled off to the bank to pay rent, got hair cuts for two kids & a dvd to watch tonight. "Once upon a stable"

Door 2 on our count down calender says "buy a Jesus Christmas DVD and watch it" so that's what we are doing tonight.

In other "Christmas" news I have pondering whether or not I should publicly record my views on Christmas - after reading a controversial Christian topic & a multitude of responses. Let's just say, the topic is debatable but I have no interest in debating. *sigh*

Until tomorrow xx

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