Santa, what a weirdo...
We don't 'do' Santa. I don't believe in Santa, hey I don't think Santa even believes in Santa.
Telling my children that Santa is real would be like telling my children that Winnie-the-Pooh is 'real' & taking them out to the woods to play with piglet, tigger & Eeyore.
It's not going to happen.
As adults & parents we attempt at correcting most lies our children tell. We tell them it is being devious & lying & not good/positive behaviour. Even little lies like 'did you steal that biscuit'?
Liars often end up in a lot of trouble. Some end in Jail. Others hurt everyone around them.
The bible often tells us not to lie.
We don't like being lied to.
Yet, as a society we teach our children that Santa is real, he lives in the North Pole, he gives gifts to ALL the children in the world on one night & has elves working for him in his toy factory.
Fact: It's not true.
I remember the 'big secret' being talked about behind my back. I was in the room. Yet I knew. Do you know how I felt? Belittled, like I wasn't 'old enough' to be told the truth. You know what I said when they asked if Santa was real? Yes! Why? Because I was threatened that people who don't believe in Santa do not get gifts.
We teach our children not to approach & trust strangers then expect our children to sit on the lap of a stranger with a beard-wig in a suit, take a photo & tell him what we want as a gift for Christmas.
I believe that lying to your children about all sorts of things makes them discredit you in other truthful areas. If you say this is the truth & it is not & then you say this is the truth & it is, how is the child meant to distinguish between those kinds of realities & fantasies.
But it's all a bit of fun...
Is disappointment fun? I think not...
Is betrayal fun? I think not...
Is belittling fun? I think not...
Is lying fun? Sometimes, Yes, but it's fruit is not... it hurts... & not just a few people...
So with that... I say, we don't do 'Santa'...
Proverbs 12:19
Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.
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