Sunday, December 4, 2011

25 days of Christmas 2011 - day 4

Today we went to church, bought lunch and went to the beach as a family with the dog.

Avigail & I were dropped off at home for a rest/sleep while Mik took the kids to his parents for a play (or something like that).

Our advent activity today is to read one of our little Christmas stories.

I've been trying to get Avigail to drink a bottle as I'm positive she's not getting enough fluids. She is showing me that she is strong-willed. Arching her back, screaming and spitting it back up.

Last night she climbed up onto the couch. While her gross motor skills are (over) developed, she is very clever, I remain unimpressed that I once again have a highly energised-won't-keep-still baby. I love her. Lots. Fortunately I've gained experience with this kind of child and have a few tricks of my own up my sleeve.

I can carry a screaming, kicking, hitting, squirming toddler through an entire grocery shop with 3 other kids, a double trolley and a nappy bag without getting my feathers flustered.

& I can (sometimes) make people go "Awww" at their cuteness when they all hold hands and walk together without the runner child running.

I can even sometimes keep one child in the pram when we are in a shop. Now that takes real skill.

Challenges with all aspects of parenting...

Where were we? Ahh yes, Christmas... So that was our day. Just chilling...

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