This morning I prayed and asked God to direct my day.. I've been pulling out boxes and boxes of stored baby and kids clothes. I have ready 7 garbage bags FULL of clothes to pass on!! I have 7 x 55L tubs emptied!!
I have a tub full of too big clothes for Avigail to grow into and a tub for Jarah to grow into.
I also pulled a tub sized of too big clothes for Amalia that she is/will fit in the upcoming months!!
That leaves me with 5 tubs of clothing in storage instead of 15 :)
I got stuck with the size 00 boys clothes Isaiah wore as a baby. They've travelled Australia with me and were used on our second son. I was (speaking in future tense/present tense *breathe*) emotionally attached to them and didn't want them to pass.. So I told God, I'm struggling to let these go. I thought I'd keep them.. For our next bubba (if we get a next bubba).. I sat for a bit. Then got up and poured the contents into a garbage bag ready to go!! Done!!
Sometimes decluttering is difficult because of the emotional attachments, other times it is hard because you look to the possible needs of your future.
Today I am having Faith that God will provide my needs at the time I need them..
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