Hubby reminded me of his first impressions of me. He says I stood out in the crowd to him. He said I was weird and still am. Actually he said I'm weird have been since he first knew me.
See, I lived close to the church and after church walked home and returned with my rabbit.. She was a gorgeous dwarf lop ear bunny.. And she was wearing a pink lead and harness. She was named snuggles because she used to snuggle into me for a snugly cuddle..
He said I was the kind of person you had to look twice at.. Was that a rabbit??? Err.. Does it look like a rabbit? Why yes. It. Does.!
So we met at youth group.. He was a youth group leader, bible college student and a man who could answer my questions with ease.
I was a youth group wanna-be-helper and dreamer of bible college student come wise-one.. I've not done bible college but I have done life.. Not graduated yet..
He was just that boy I saw everywhere I went in Christian circles..
Between you and me I think it's him who's the weird one ;)
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