Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Do you know what causes that?

The other day I very quickly ran into a shop with four kids. Crossing a footpath from our vehicle into the shop an old man on a gofer made a sly comment... Usually I ignore but friends and I have been discussing approaching people in public and I saw my opportunity..

I stopped, looked at him and said there are four of them.. He said yes I can tell that I said you look like your hands are full.
Looking at my pile-o-kids I said nope not at all (I was holding my baby and that was it).
He says have you worked out what causes it yet?
Oh yeah, you know I love this comment because of its ridiculousness.. Seriously, did you only do 'that' for reproductive purposes? Really...

I told him my hands are NOT full and that four kids is a lot of fun..


At the end of ones years, do we look back and take note of the hard work or the missed years? Are kids too much trouble to want more? Do we forget about the deeper importance of a successful and happy life being successful and meaningful relationships?

When you look at me with my arm loaded and a trail of squealy kids you may see the hard work but you most likely don't see the heart inside that bursts with love and pride for the children I have birthed..

Do I know what causes it? Yeah! I do! And I don't do anything to stop it!!!

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