Saturday, March 20, 2010

Food for Thought: The "Fed Up With Lunch" blog

Anonymous teacher eats school lunches every day for a year on 'Fed Up With Lunch' blog

BY Rosemary Black
Friday, March 19th 2010, 1:56 PM
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Not many grownups would voluntarily eat mystery meat in the school cafeteria on a daily basis. But an anonymous teacher, promising to sample school lunches for a year and blog her comments, is tasting the very same meatloaf and mystery greens the students eat, then posting pictures of the food and critiquing it.

"Mrs. Q," as she’s called, is hoping for changes in the lunchroom, not just at her school but at other schools around the country.

“Let’s feed all kids well,” she told Good Morning America. “Who can argue with that?”
Though she’s anonymous, her blog, entitled "Fed Up With Lunch: The School Lunch Project," identifies her as female and from the Midwest. She says she is in her 30s, has a young son, and is “middle class." And she got the idea for a blog after she’d eaten a couple of less-than-delicious school meals.

“There were times I was forced to have a school lunch because I forgot my lunch,” she told GMA. “And I just remember thinking, ‘this is terrible; I can’t believe this.’ ”

The feisty blogger has supporters and detractors. Many followers (there are nearly 3,000 today, up from a few hundred earlier this week) are full of praise. But one person called her a “vegetarian hippie.”

“They’re attacking my character, or they’re saying this country’s going down the tubes and we should be grateful for what we’ve got,” she told GMA...  MORE HERE

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