Wednesday, August 17, 2011

@ 5 months

Dear Princess,
@ 5 months of age you continue to delight each one of us. Although the high pitched squeals of demands are becoming a tad irritating. I think we can survive with that.
Already you are begining to be on the move. Pushing yourself up with your arms, then on your knees and rocking your way forwards. Or backwards. Some times I catch you up on your head and feet pushing your body along. That sure is using your head. Your a smart one that's for sure. Just today you moved half a metre off your mat. You know, your mat is down so that you can remain on a CLEAN surface. You do have older grubby self-feeding siblings you know!
You can even manage to sit up if your legs are out enough. Balancing with your baby-pudge I say.
Some days you'll roll from your tummy to your back where you'll lift up your legs and grab hold of your feet. I think you are liking your feet. They are always grabable and always tickable.

You still demand cuddles and attention, usually you get it from someone. Your still demand fed, but I know when your going to demand it so there are no surprises there.

You continue to sleep most nights through. Although of late you have woken in the night for a quick night-feed. No playing for you though! I'm not silly.

You often play with toys, giving things a good munch. You remain to not like getting into the capsule and let everyone know about it. I don't see why your so upset about that given you love riding in the car when it is in motion, or getting swung in your capsule.

Majority of the time with you is spent with a heart rejoicing with gladness at the delight in your face as you communicate and chatter with us. A smile erupts on your beautiful face as you recognise those that love you.

I am thinking that you & Jarah have a special sort of baby-bond. Either that or he is just smitten and in-your-face alot. He is rather affectionate though so don't be alarmed by the transfer of his food on your face. He's just kissing you. again. and again. and again.

Anyway, it is mighty late, your asleep, Papa is reading and the kids are in bed... I should sleep to so I can cuddle you tomorrow.

Love Mummy

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