I am often asked how often or how much I home school the children. Do I do stuff every day? When do we take holidays? I must be so busy with lots of little kids plus homeschooling.
In all honesty I don't really know how to answer these questions. We don't do 'stuff' every day, but we are always doing 'stuff', we don't have school holidays, we just take breaks, I was busy when I had TWO kids, now that I have FOUR kids the hours in my days have not increased, I still have to squish everything into a 24 hour day. I don't know what 'time to myself' feels like although I think I had some of that stuff prior to my first child being born. I no longer know anything different.
I often wonder 'am I doing enough school stuff with the children compared to 'schooled' kids. My answer is always yes. For a preschooler & a kindy kid they are probably doing a little bit more than the average kid in a state school. I'm happy with that.
For the past week(?) I've done NO academic educational studies with ANY of the children. They have played, & played & played. So there you have it. The exact reason why we do NOT do school holidays, and do not do 'days off'. To cater for the ridiculusness of life, & all events that surround that.
Every school room is different, this is ours.
From the sheer business (busy-ness) that has been our life this past week the children have become quite, ratty, and irritating, and defiant,... as in more than normal. So I called for a FAMILY NIGHT & watched a movie.
It is a funny call to make really when they havn't been the best behaved, or the kindest siblings, or the obedient children in my dreams... When by 'rights' they should be going straight to bed. But it is more the TIME factor.
With their x amount of movie watching time with Mummy they all went to bed with no dramas, happy little kiddies.
Let's see if they wake up that way, and get back into our school work tomorrow!!
5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Flexible Schooling
2. Playful, busy kids
3. Help from others
4. Children are not behind getting even more behind
5. Guilt-free School Holidays :)
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