With the pile up of regular house hold jobs, an unexpect sudden crisis, & the begining of sick husband, kids & myself, an urgent stirring in my spirit & a couple of all-nighters, a "call" to begin youth (again), discovering nits (again), AND having a rent inspection (that they failed to do so it is happening in another two weeks?! NOT HAPPY!!), two kids having night mares in their sleep, on TOP of my regular busy life as a mum to lots of little {home schooled} kids I was sitting on the verge of exhaustion. Yet I had no time to do what needed to be done. I was barely sleeping, and not eating (much). On the verge of exhaustion meaning ... if I don't get some REST or some SLEEP very very soon then I am going to crash and the crisis will become in-house.I needed something I needed it fast.
Sharing that 'news' created new stresses in those that I shared it with, knowing that if *I* crashed that there would be 4 little kids in need of a bit more care then I could give them.
But low & behold...
One kid being out with Papa, Two kids attending church with in-laws (on a Saturday!), left me home alone with just my happy giggly baby. But what to do? (I had a bath).
Then when Papa & kid got home we headed out for some lunch & quality time with that SINGLE (plus bubba) child. & a random trip to the pet shop organised by the Papa (& a bird bite HA HA sorry hunny but it was a bit funny...)
The children were still away so I had a nap. A real sleep. For hours. During the DAY.
Then the kids got swapped over. My two returned and my one left. One went to bed? & I chilled with the other.
It was an extremely relaxing day, a refreshing time for me. Back to reality and not sitting on the verge. What an awesome feeling!!
The nits are under control, the rent inspection is over (for now), the children are back to normal, home schooling is about to commence, house is mostly tidy, I have solved the problem to my carrying and controlling lots of little kids by buying an expensive strider plus pram with toddler attachment thingy PLUS one of those 'back pack restraints' for my runner-trying-to-get-hit-by-a-car child.
I've even been encouraged in all the areas that I need it.
A new week, a refreshed spirit. Ready to go. A new season of life.
The fortnight is a reflection of the Power of God in my life.
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