Wednesday, August 17, 2011

No, no no no no!

I seriously LOVE this kid. But seriously he says no too much. Let's face it. He has just turned TWO.

This is our new pram. It is a strider plus with toddler attachment. I can also put our Strider Plus "infant carrier" aka CAPSULE onto it. So far I have used it TWICE. That is TWO walks priced at $425 EACH. Need to use it lots more and I do plan to. Honest.

Both walks I put this no-saying-two-year-old into his bottom part of the pram to strap him in he screamed & I don't mean a 'rebellious-2-yr-old' type scream but more of a DONT-YOU-DARE-PUT-ME-IN-THAT-THING!

See, when I was 35/36weeks gest with the above child we had a disagreement with a mud puddle on a sharp corner & fought with a tree. All was unharmed apart from the tree & the oversized-will-easily-fit-THREE- baby-carseats-and-a-giant-double-side-by-side-pram-in-the-boot. The markings remain on the tree as a reminder of what-never-was.

But it meant we were now 35/36weeks (aka 4-5weeks til due date) with NO vehicle, a 3 1/2yr old & a crazy 17mth old. Not cool. I did envision me screaming my way to the hospital about a km up the street and round the corner in labour but after my 2nd labour (one previous to this) I wasn't taking chances.

With NO finances saved, no insurance, no plans of getting another vehicle...

We settled for an old bomb. I mean I think we paid $1200 for it (approx 3 months after getting it - thanks to Tax & family who practically gave it to us). The problem with this new car was the boot space. It wouldn't fit my giant-double-side-by-side pram. It would fit my run-about-stroller. That I no longer had. Cos someone's husband broke it.

I didn't WANT to go out and spend $$$ on a NEW pram. Especially when I had one that was awesome that I LOVED. So I didn't!

Which meant that when the above child was BORN & I had errands to run (& actually I was babysitting a beautiful 10 month old 3-5days per week ALSO) I had to come up with a new strategy.

I could WALK down town with pram & 4 kids UNDER 4 (3 1/2yr old, 18month old, 10month old & newborn) which I often did. (but couldn't go INTO the bank or any other shop except Target & Coles because I couldn't fit the pram up the stairs OR through the door) OR I could DRIVE down town in my lil red bomb.

Then I would have to SLING my new born, put the 10month old on my hip, grip tight to the 18month old and have the 3 1/2yr old hold onto the 18month olds hand.

Ahhh. Those were the days... I actually miss those days they were so wonderful. *sigh*

This time I put my newborn in the sling, hold the 19-24month olds hand, who holds the 3yr olds hand, who holds the 5yr olds hand. And then we toddle down the street all proud of my 3 little hand holders who are doing it perfectly for the strangers to marvel at & get all clucky and go "naaw how cute" just before someone looks at someone wrong, holds too tight, walks too fast, or too slow & my pride sinks back to reality... as the children begin to fight...

It is a bit crazy at times. Sometimes one or two will run off, keep walking, stop walking. In a few shops they split up in THREE directions. I really hate that. I was given a double pram, tested it out. Ended up carrying a newborn, pushing a pram, yelling at the 5yr old, trying to grab and control the 3 & 1yr old. THAT was nuts. I almost kicked them to the ground just so they'd stop walking. I didn't. But seriously. When you run out from behind your packed 4WD onto the road your going to hit the bitumen one way or another.

So the above toddler has BARELY been put INTO a pram. I mean he has sat in prams, been pushed in prams, fallen asleep in prams. But so rarely. I usually carry him or make him walk.

My 2nd child used to sit in a pram for the WALK (sometimes) but as soon as we'd stop she'd escape. So I'd cross the straps. And she'd escape. I'd pull them as TIGHT as they could go. And she'd escape. So I would be left with a double-side-by-side pram being pushed with one hand and carrying a toddler with the other (& a preggy belly sticking out).

So my 3rd child won't sit in the pram. He really doesn't like it. But you know what? After the initial NO NO NO NO NO! *wipes tear* he sits back and enjoys the ride. Well atleast some of it.

After saying Nope I am not spending money on a pram I've gone and spent a heap on one. An ugly one. The UGLY one I say is UGLY every time I see it. Obviously I got the thing for practicality.

So. In a manner-of-teasing my toddler, I stuck him in the top section FACING ME & made fun of him. All the while he repeated NO NO NO! Ha ha.

Today while toddling down to the shop, two kids in pram, two kids holding onto pram I got to stare and coo at my baby while walking.

FOUR kids, NINE prams. NINE prams and I have NEVER had that function. To stare at my baby. Was quite a novel experience. One I suspect I am going to enjoy, and enjoy often.

5 Things I am THANKFUL for:
1. Ease, of walking with a pram & kids
2. Back pack 'monkey straps'
3. Pram Brakes
4. Tax returns
5. Double prams

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