One night a few weeks ago daughter #1 did groceries with me and accompanied me on a special mummy-daughter date.
We sat in the dark of the car overlooking a black ocean. Drinking a 600ml carton of choc milk. She finished it easily. And complained of a sore tummy. I thought she had drank too much and made a note-to-self next time get her a 300ml carton.
As the weeks have wore on she's complained of a sore tummy on so many occasions and told me she only wants to eat healthy stuff.
Funnily enough she only wants healthy stuff (fruits and vegetables and grains and nuts) plus white chocolate cos she likes white chocolate. ;)
So I've decided to trial her on a completely dairy free diet for a week and see how she goes at the end of the week.
Cow milk, cheese, yoghurt, butter, cream is out for us this week :( *sad face*
We've done it before, can do it again, but hoping we will discover what's going on in this little girl tummy.. Soon..
Pic is her healthy food shopping list ;)
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