Well this night brings the finale of yet another calendar.
Overflowing with inward blessings, peace and healings for myself.
2012 saw me grow internally and spiritually at the most rapid rate since my salvation. Whilst I don't understand it all I have many new revelations and insights than I had before.
2012 saw another conception after much prayer and faith and Michael going off the anti-depressant medication he was on in order to conceive.
What a wanted baby.
Our first real family holiday. Ever.
A move from a small home to a large home with shed.
The finish of our first official homeschool year with one registered child. Learning so much about real life learning and breaking free from set-school-mindsets. Education is no longer a set of learning but a way of life.
The very end of the year saw us settle into a new much larger home.
We watched our children grow up a year more, saw each one impatiently wait a birthday and become an official year older.
It saw me speak for the first time, several times at church with mic in front of everyone.
It saw many things I wish not remember and genuinely don't remember. Unless my memory gets triggered by something.
For me, 2012 was the best year I've had yet, I'm going for bigger in 2013.
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