We were practically handed a private rental on a silver platter. 3x1 with giant shed, patio, fully enclosed yard, a giant lounge room which will be our learning room, and separate dining/kitchen.
The new place is MUCH larger, and less of a squeeze. Which means less stuff in my face. I love that!!
Mik borrowed a flat tray truck from work and with the help of his dad moved all the big heavy stuff and a fair bit of smaller gear.
Miks mum helped me at the new house by putting things away like clothing & kitchen stuff & hanging and bringing in washing. Anything I asked her to do she was happy to do.
Miks youngest siblings 9 & 11yrs entertained my crew for hours and hours. They played things like shops, scooters, hide & seek, blocks and other things I don't remember or didn't see.
Miks other two siblings (13yrsx2) came for awhile in the afternoon and played with my guys.
Mik worked hard ALL day not stopping until 8pm, he wanted to get some light bulbs put in - you know energy saving ones?
I did a bit here and a bit there. Slowing down in the arvo. I'm wrecked now and ready for bed ;)
We were blessed by a bounty of food, left over from the previous days celebrations which kept two families going for the day - no need for us to cook or prepare meals, although cutlery was interesting. Haha
Mik is back to work tomorrow and i will be left to finish packing and bringing more gear over to the new place and get unpacking again.
Mik & his dad emptied a bunch of cupboards straight onto the floor so there's a lot to pack. And bring over. And unpack.
So, an overall productive day. With a house practically set up.
The only major challenge??
A 20 month old Princess who won't go in or near her bed. But we will work on that.
All Glory to God for this move and new place.. Xx
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