For some reason I feel really tired and down today.
I'm not sure why.
It could be from pregnancy, being tired and not sleeping well, the hot heat, or something I'm unaware of. Food related? I don't know.
To make it feel worse I had mascara on, got something in my eye, rubbed it, and put sunscreen too close to my eyes which made them feel heavier and sore. Really sore :(
It's better now but it made a difference.
But my real point here, apart from being authentic in my writings (yeah I have not so great days) is my philosophy on education changed this past year which means the children have engaged themselves in creative play and educational activities.. Without need of my presence consistently. Whilst I am available to answer questions and even play a game of UNO they have overall amused themselves without need of digital devices or me telling them to find something to do. I hope that this kind of lifestyle changes means that as teenagers they can engage themselves in activities that are beneficial to their lives and the lives of others.
As I lay on the couch, fan blowing in my face, children watching Moses on my laptop I can't help but notice how easy this is with them.
I am very thankful for this little bunch of people :)
Thank you Jesus
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