posted 1/12/2011
DDOE is looking for parents to give imput to the Delaware Department of Education, Exceptional Children Resource Workgroup is looking for parents of school-age children with special needs to serve the:
Access to the General Education Committee
This group has a variety of purposes including: 1. Assistance and support in activities about access to general education curriculum; 2. Advise and give recommendations to the Delaware Department of Education; 3. Review best practices; 4. Network and share strategies and 5. Coordinate with other initiatives and activities.
One of the primary functions of the group is to advise and give recommendations to the Delaware Department of Education on two indicators from the State Performance Plan on Access to General Education Curriculum (across the entire spectrum of students with disabilities) and increasing the amount of access students have to the general education classroom. This group will focus on the achievement of all students on the State Assessment as well.
For more information contact: Karen Jones, Education Associate kjones@DOE.K12.DE.US
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