Parents of Bullied Kids Hiring Lawyers, Suing School Districts
By Rene Stutzman, The Orlando Sentinel, Fla. (MCT)
Ned Charles IV has a form of cerebral palsy. The 15-year-old is in special-education classes. So was the boy who hit him, grabbed his neck and pushed him to the ground while waiting for a school bus two years ago at Tuskawilla Middle School.
Ned's parents are now suing the Seminole County School Board, alleging that the boy who hurt their son had bullied him for days and that the district should have stopped it.
Their suit is part of a growing trend in Central Florida and nationally: Parents are hiring lawyers and suing school districts, accusing them of letting schoolyard bullies frighten, intimidate and sometimes beat up their children.
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Meanwhile and much closer to home ...
Police: 7 Pa. high school students arrested for bullying
UPPER DARBY, Pa. — Police in Delaware County say seven teenagers have been arrested in connection with an assault in which a 14-year-old student was kidnapped and hung from a fence post, but not seriously hurt.
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