Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Running in rings

Have you ever felt like your chasing your tail trying to get your house cleaned up and in order?

With so many regular-life-stuff it's often harder at getting a bulk deep clean up done when you've got lots of little kids hot on your heels.

I know that somehow I manage to do this on a regular basis but it often feels like my hard work does not pay itself off.

Especially when you get a room cleared out and cleaned up to walk past to discover a bunch of stuff tipped out, or a glass of carrot juice splashed up your bookshelf, couch, floor and surrounds.

Or when you ask a child to do their regular everyday job and they sook and whine and cry and scream and carry on like a teenage drama queen and you have to stop your job and re-focus upon obedience training rather than actually getting your chores completed. Have not visited that before? Why can we not just DO as we were told the first time?! And I'm not singling out the under 18s here.

This is how I'm feeling lately. Like nothing is really actually getting done, because there is so much to do with regular life to add upon it a deep clean for an inspection.

My to do list is growing rapidly as it is errand day & shopping day..

I've got a lot going on in the next two weeks, that takes a lot of our time, energy and emotional resources. Tons of things I'm genuinely looking forward to and one thing I'd prefer to ignore altogether but can not.

But it's mainly the preparation and life-on-hold to prepare for a rent inspection with a lady who seems to be so bitter I've never seen her smile... And to be super honest I don't really appreciate her referring to our belongings as debri!! I mean, I have kids who have toys and they live outside in our 'car port', I also have camping gear and the like that lives in our car port.. There's no other place for it.. And yet.. They won't put a shed up.. And want it 'removed'..
I'm tired of the insults, the lack of interpersonal skills, the lack of common respect.. I'm tired of the 'friendly reminders to pay rent' that's been paid a week ago... Automatically... Like it is every week...

I realise I'm whining now.. But really, this is how it is for me right now.. And I want to remember the trauma so I can be thankful when I'm free from it... Hopefully sooner than later!!

5 things I am thankful for:
1. Having a home to raise our family in
2. Having reasonably cheap rent
3. Feeling safe and protected in our dwellings
4. Having a large backyard
5. Having some freedom to move around...

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Tit for tat - pay it forward

I never really understood that saying.. But anyhow...

The other day I was blessed with a giant box of scrapping goodies. I've even scrapped, lots.. I havnt really done much since 2009. A new years evening once & a bit of printing but nothing much for our family.
I've done wedding invites, stuff for other people but not really anything for us, to record our day to day. I guess that's what I love about blogging. Instant story telling.


Thanks G, for the box of stuff, it's getting a great workout and I'm heart-happy that I'm recording precious moments before they fly too far further and I forget. Think a scrap night is in order soon ;)

Anyhow, on the basis I now have an additional tub in the home, I decided to take my cue from many others and pass on (pay-it-forward) items within the home to a similar size that I recieved.

Hence a relatively quick go through cupboards pulling things out that havn't been used in awhile.

How do I manage to keep being able to do this? As it is I think there might be two tubs worth, I'm happy with that!!

Happy-all-round :)

5 Things I am Thankful For:
1. An over-abundance of belongings, which means we have more than everything we need
2. Gifts of love... I mean scrapping goodies
3. Precious memories and children to record
4. Stolen time between life things to complete a few special items
5. A gorgeous book case to display photos and off-the-page items to view and admire daily :)

Just some of the things that I've done :)
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"Help me out here..."

In Due Process Training in APPO with DOE,

Title 14 Education
Delaware Administrative Code
200 Administration and Operations
211 Notice to School Boards of Due Process Proceedings
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FREE GEORGIA! Statewide Nurse-In March 5

It's amazing how breastfeeding laws vary from state to state.  I am fortunate to live in a state (Texas) where a woman has the right to breastfeed her baby anywhere she has the right to be.  Other women and babies in various states are not so fortunate.  Georgia sure has had their set of issues over the last several months.  There are people who are shaking things up, trying to push for change, but they can't do it without support.  If you are in or near the state of Georgia, I hope you'll participate in this movement.   This Nurse-In takes place March 5.  Spread the word. 

Here is an email I received from the organizer, Lindsey:

"LOVE the blog!! My name is Lindsey Mangham, and I'm (now) the sole organizer for the Georgia Statewide Nurse-in: Warner Robins location. Having read your Jan. 30th post on NIP, I know that we share the same ideals on this issue. I was hoping that you would be willing to take on the story of Nirvana 'Harley' Jennette (the head organizer of the nurse-in) and help our cause.

The Georgia Statewide Nurse-In is a grassroots movement made up of both local and national supporters who are working to normalize breastfeeding in the state of Georgia and to put a stop to the ongoing harassment and discrimination that mothers and children fall victim to on a daily basis.

Our mission is to establish a change in Georgia state laws so that the laws protect a mother's right to breastfeed and a child's right to receive nourishment in any place, public or private, that the mother and child are allowed to be, so that breastfeeding is not considered indecent exposure, so that a mother can not be arrested or ticketed for feeding her child, and so that any form of harassment to a nursing mother and child will be an offense punishable by law. We will begin by staging a statewide nurse-in to introduce ourselves to the legislators of Georgia and to the general public as we establish change in our laws. We will not back down until the laws are put into place.

Here is the press-release of the story:

and here is a link to the original news story about Nirvana:

Her contact info is at the end of the press release!

Here is the FB event page:
And here is a link to the petition:"
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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Living with Depression

Is always hard...

Often lonely...

Sometimes debilitating...

But you know what??

You need to push through,

You need to pick yourself up,

You need to be grateful & thankful out loud for all the wonderful things you have,

You need to plan & prepare ahead for the catastrophe that IS going to ensue with or without warning,

You need to outsource support,

You need regular contact with others who are willing to just do life wherever you stand and under any circumstance,

And you need to give your support also,

You need to be flexible,

You need to get your chill out time in between life,

You need to relax,

You need to find suitable coping methods,

You need to learn to get out of the way,

You need to learn and put into practice making 'things' easier for others,

You need to learn to recognize the signs 'it's happening' and alert someone else BEFORE it's too late,

You need to be able to predict what's going to happen before it actually happens,

And you need to not take things so personally.

Depression is a debilitating and highly selfish mental illness (I dare you to challenge me on its selfishness! Go on! Cos I have 8 years of personal experience to back me up - what have you got?)

Just the word itself evokes all sorts of different responses & emotions in all sorts of people.

People judge & tell stories about the family who has a depressed person in it, and it hurts a whole deal too much, but you learn to get on with it and find your reason to stand against the un-truths of what they assume/declare/decide about you/Believe about you.

You make sure you know what the TRUTHs are in your situation and let the ill-conceived opinions of others where they belong.. With them.

And at the end of the day, Remember, that there are other people around you, who know you, or of you, who think you are strong, who think you are courageous, and think you are amazing, and you've gained these qualities through the trials and tribulations of a hard-kind-of-a-blessed-life.

& I'm not even the one with the Depression!!

5 Things I am thankful for
1. My kids, who give purpose & reason for the day-to-day grind of life
2. My God, who gives me comfort
3. Being in a better place, both physically & emotionally then I was a few years back
4. Wonderful loving support
5. Being free to talk about the kind of life I've had to live without the shame, the condemnation and the guilt associated with it, cos its not my fault, it just is.
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Saturday, February 25, 2012

All of Creation

Isaiah aged 6 asks me the innocent of question. "Does God like baby chickens?" we'll actually I don't know and as I rack my brain for a chicken scripture I fail to recall one.
Not to be phased by Mums lack of knowledge Isaiah states that I can ask God and he will tell me. So I did.
"God, Isaiah would like to know if you like baby chickens"
I feel the reply immediately. I like ALL of creation.
Wow!! Who would've thought? I knew God made it all and considered it to be good but never translated it into God liking it. Now I know, I am pleased to know, and I am pleased God is using my children's faith to teach me and grow me in His ways.
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Friday, February 24, 2012

It's always nice to learn of another school board member who doubts RTTT
Capital School Board member Raymond Paylor told Street and the other caucus members leading the forum that Delaware's plans for turning around failing schools with high minority populations are fundamentally flawed.
Paylor said schools like Capital's Dover High that have been targeted for Race to the Top reforms, and handed infusions of cash to make changes, needed money to head off decline, not to bring them back from the edge.
"Those schools have three things in common: They have very high numbers of low-income students, special education students and African-American students," he said. "They have to fall into a struggle and be labeled a failing school before they get funding."

Thank You Mr. Paylor for stating what many of us know but few will recognize.
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

At Csd early childhood meeting on proposed changes

Discussion on teacher visits and it's impact on the start of school year for preschool only.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

So it appears that another blogger has trained their eye on CSD

Looks like a brand new blog focusing on either Colonial or Christina.  The blog does not appear to be totally set-up yet.  But, we'll be keeping an eye on to see their contribution to the education dialogue.

Welcome to the blogosphere!
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Monday, February 20, 2012

Recording Your Birth

Here's a topic I feel so strongly about -- the importance of recording your baby's birth. Yes, I do mean with video or photos, not just writing your birth story.

My sister-in-law, who was at our first birth insisted on taking pictures at Daymon's birth, and I was horrified! Really. I felt angry that she was snapping that camera. She had them developed immediately (this was 1996!) and I put them away, embarrassed.

As the weeks became months, I would find myself thinking about his birth, literally, every day. I would relieve those moments of becoming a mother as I nursed my sweet baby boy. I found those pictures and have spent hours looking at them, thinking about those moments and how I felt as I held my new baby.

I am so glad now that Tamara knew then what I couldn't have known at the time. She kept telling me that I would want these pictures some day. She was so right!

I'm not sure what I thought the pictures would be like -- all 175 lbs of my 9 month pregnant body, exposed. They were so tasteful. So emotional. So tender. And now, so treasured.

We obviously did not videotape his birth, but we knew by the time we were pregnant with #2 how much we loved having those pictures, so we decided to record our 2nd baby's birth with a video recorder. We set up the camera across the room, and while we can hear everything happening, we can't see a darn thing! Still, it's so emotional to listen. Her video, while not the best visually, is the most emotional one of them all.

 By the time we were pregnant with the third baby, we knew that we wanted a great video. To our dismay, at 33 weeks, we found out the hospital had a no-video policy at the time of birth. Are you kidding me? That's like ripping the best pages out of a book! No one was going to take this experience from us! We pulled our records from the hospital and hired a homebirth midwife. We would have paid $100 to have our baby in the hospital, but were now going to pay $2500. This was an expensive video! It meant that much to us. We had a friend do the video and that was her only job. How sad it would have been to have missed that birth.

We did the same for the fourth baby. It is so special, not only for us as parents to have these memories recorded, but also for the child. Our kids are amazed when they watch their birth videos. What an amazing sight to behold -- your entrance into the world. To see how hard your mother worked to get you here.

Still not sure? You never have to watch it. Or, you can keep it for yourself and never show it to a single person. Your choice. But you will not ever be able to go back and record it after the fact. Trust me -- as someone who was so adamant about not wanting pictures, you will not regret having them. Many times over the years, I've heard women comment on wishing that they had recorded their birth, but I've never heard a mom say that she wished that she hadn't. Think about that.

Many hospitals have banned videotaping (is that even the right word anymore?!) the birth for legal reasons. Find out the policies beforehand. That would be so disappointing to be expecting to record or photograph your birth and then be told no. You do not want surprises like that in labor!

And if you still aren't sure, check out this video Ceci did for one of my couples.  Grab your tissues.  It'll be the best 6 minutes of your day. 

Halen's Birth Story from Ceci Jane on Vimeo.
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Dear Vicki

So it would appear that my blog has been hacked by a contributor without my permission. How dangerous!!

So here is my reply:

Dear Vicki,

I remember being at a party, sitting around in a circle and noticing a shy quiet person sitting in the group who looked like she was trying to hide into her shadow. Me being me decided she was the one I was going to befriend. I have to admit, you made it hard. Even the best of questioner (which I considered myself to have been) had a trying time. I was sure I didn't win that round but I hold joy in my heart to think I left an impression.

As a new mum with a roughly 5-6 month old baby wearing a blue fluffy bunny suit turned up to Aunt Libi's work to see her. You served me. I looked into your face and thought "wow she's beautiful" I still do. I do recall telling Libi wow that girl is really pretty. I can almost hear her tell me who Vicki? Yes she does/is!

Ages later apparently my brother-in-law has a chick he's in love with. He says otherwise as he pulls out a framed photograph of a beautiful girl. He tells me of the two previous encounters but I didn't recall at that time. I did later, I recall more now then before. Anyhow, we knew he liked you as he placed this diamanté framed photograph at the head of his bed and fell asleep each night. The first thing to see as he awoke.

Ages later...

I was pregnant with my second child and kind of jokingly said for someone to come babysit Isaiah while I gave birth. You wanted to. But your parents said no. I told you to pray and that if it was meant to be that God would make the path straight. And so the path was straightened. What a glorious time!
You indeed were a lot of fun, and great to chatter with. You, Katie & I. I introduced you to scrapbooking and then we stayed up til 5:30am not noticing that the sun was rising as we were still taping things down & trying to spell words. You did all sorts of strange things... like putting my baby into a bush to take photos of her.. That's when it all started... The whole "Vicki/Amy" & "Vicki/Katie/Amy" thing...

Ages later we returned to Esperance, WA. I got to hang out with you lots. Then i was gone... again...

You (& Katie) rarely hesitated to come all the way 4-6hours to rescue me. In fact you did. Lots.

As we approached the birth of our fourth child, I confessed to you that I was at a high risk of contracting Post Natal Depression (PND), to which you simply replied, Don't worry about it, we'll help you. And you have. You were there the day we made.. 300 muffins?? And the time we filled my freezer with precooked meals. We used your brain and your recipes and your opinions to fulfill this task. I think we also used your freezer to accomodate some of those meals. Whoopsie!! & Thanks...

I didn't get PND, and I contribute a part of that to your presence, love and assistance.

We took kids to dancing week in and week out, actually you took them tons of times without me while I was without a car. You accompanied us to M for Mummys (McDonalds) for the customary ice cream afterwards.

We attend church with you (& Daniel... + others)

We had Friday Night Family Dinners EVERY Friday night ("No, sorry I cant go I've got family dinner... @ Amy's" -- without even being invited/asked)..

You don't knock on my front door, in fact I think you've got a key.

We grocery shop most weeks together.

In fact, there isn't many memories of the past year + that doesn't have you in it, and if you were not there... I know where you were and what you were doing.

We've been through the highs, through the lows, and through the every days.

We've grown an even deeper relationship since being back. You are one of the kids favourite Aunts & one of my favourite people.

I know that my family have been blessed because your a huge part of it, I couldn't think of a better woman that my brother-in-law could marry just so we could be friends.

I hope that today (being your birthday) you feel loved by many... Including me... I do apologise (once again) that your birthday presant was 6 hours and 10 minutes late.. We should be celebrating these two special ladies birthdays on the same day, today..

I have something a bit special planned this morning but not many will notice it.. It's just for {us} and those in the know.

For Traditions sake: things I like about you, I like the way you can light up the room by entering in, with your beautiful smile pretty eyes and carefree demeanor you can change an environment into joy and laughter..

This is what Isaiah wanted to buy for you. He thought you'd like it..
And Amalia really really wanted you have to have what she's holding.. She also wanted to get you a pink car because your a girl and you need pretty things.
Jarah heard the word "car" and that was enough for him.
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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dear Amy

So your silly enough to let me have (some) free rein over your blog. And I have noticed that you do a lot of "dear...(insert child's name here)..." blog posts so I am doing one for you!

Dear Amy.
So it has been around 7 years since we met and I will never forget meeting you at that birthday party! You were one of the only people who came up and said hello and tried to make friends with me. I know you don't really remember but I do and I remember thinking that you were deffinately a fun loving person.

After that party I didn't get the pleasure of seeing you for a while until you were married and gave birth to Isaiah an brought him in to work to visit his Aunty Libi. Even then you didn't remember me!

You moved away and I then had the pleasure of being "officially" introduced to you on holidays to welcome Miss Amalia into the world. You looked totally worn out, asleep in the chair at the airport with a newborn baby girl in your arms. So tired Infact that your panda eyes looked like you had 2 black eyes and I had to ask Dan to make sure. That holiday and trip was a great time for me! Though the memories have faded I still have the photos to remind me.

You guys finally moved home for a while and then to the "Gin". And after a stint at the gin you eventually moved home again.

The Lord put you and Michael into Daniel and my lives at the exact right times and we have become the greatest of friends...

You are the Thelma to my Louise, the bread to my butter, the Kylie to my jenelle...

We are best friends, sisters in the law, sisters in love and sisters in the heavenlys.

Your a precious gem who out shines anything or anyone I know. Your passion and love for the Lord is inspiring. You are wise beyond your years, knowledgable, beautiful, loving, caring, fun, soft hearted but spirited, you like to enjoy the simpler and smaller things in life and you don't fit to a stereotype. You have broken the mould.

You are such an inspiration to me as a woman, a wife, a mother and a Christian. Your my right hand lady and my kindred spirit.

You even have the ability to become more than what you already are in life.

I am so very very blessed to have you in my life... I can call on you at anytime of the day or night and you will be right there with no questions asked. Midnight maccas trips and talking to the wee hours are special times for me where I get to steal you away from the world and have your undivided attention.

YOU have such amazing value... More than any precious gem or pimped out car...

YOU are you and I love you for all that and more...

Forever and always,
Your most adoring fan,

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Saturday, February 18, 2012


Have you ever noticed that we have 'week ends' where the majority of people don't work? Or that most shops and business' are closed and not operating? Where we spend time with one another or do things we cannot do during 'week days' because it is the weekend and we have more time to play? Or rest?

Have you ever noticed that we have 7 day weeks and not 5,6 or 10?

I read a story about a country who changed the weeks to 10 day weeks. Working for 8 days resting for 2. It didn't last. The people got tired by the 6th work day. They needed less work days and more rest.

And another who changed their days to 5 day weeks. It didn't last either. I Can not recall the reasons why.

And so we have 7 day weeks. Which is funny because as you read genesis it states that God made things happen on day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4, day 5, and day 6.

And on the 7th day God rested.

In the church (that I go to) it appears that church day is the rested sabbath day. I want to know how you could consider getting 2, 3, or 4 kids ready for church to arrive on or before time (9:30) rest. Earlier when your on the roster for serving somewhere within.

I don't buy into sunday church day being a sabbath day, not when it's so not rest-ful..

2011 saw me enjoying regular sabbath day rests, mostly just for me not the family.

I sat upon the couch with my feet up most of the day and read my bible and chilled.

Afterwards I found the end of my day to be well rested, rejuvenated. My spirit soared and I was freshened.

I even found myself to have more energy and get other tasks done faster.

After consecutive weeks of busy-ness I am in NEED of a good rest. A day to rejuvenate the spirit. A day to read His word & pray.

Yep, that's where I'm up to... Needing rest...

5 things I am thankful for:
1. My busy week is almost over
2. My to do list a load less shorter
3. That through the busy week I've been blessed and so have others
4. I have received offers of help for Genesis tomorrow (silently screaming)
5. That today I don't have a lot to do and am taking a slower paced sabbath day with a few household running jobs.

Praising Yah ;)

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I can't keep up - Just go read Kilroy

No, I'm not retiring the blog.  But, Kilroy is on top of all the action in education that's fit to print.

Life's a wee bit busy here at C&E 1st.  So, the posts are coming fewer and further between.  In the meantime, there's some serious and some seriously funny reading to be done here:

God Bless Kilroy and God Bless the USA!
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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Aunty Vicki's LOLK's Contribution.

So I was asked a few months ago if I would write a blog post from the Aunties perspective of lots of little kids...

Having only become a Aunty by law a year ago I have had many adventures in being a LOLK auntie in the 6 years of knowing them. First meeting Master Isaiah in Red Rooster, Miss Amalia in Qld, Master Jarah in Narrogin and then Miss Avi in Esperance (born only a day after my 21’s birthday! And YES I did tell her to push harder!!!). There is never a dull moment in the LOLK house or car!

I get the pleasure of holding the crying kids with ouchies  and praying for them, and yep blood needs extra prayer and attention! Pizza nights where “papa” bakes us all a pizza each and us women get to talk while the men get to play on their phones and other techno things. coming over for a random visit to have the 3 older kids run to the gate yelling “It’s Vicki! Vicki’s here!!” and then walking into the house to see the baby smile at me and crawl or toddle over to me.

The LOLK’s house is usually a bit chaotic and stressful at times but it is always somewhere I feel loved, appreciated and accepted and we ALWAYS have adventures!
 I often scratch my head and wonder how it is that Amy can deal with having so many little kids all with such different needs and personalities. I vary rarely have the pleasure of having to look after all 4 at once on my own. I usually get to adventure with one or two just to take the load of for Amy. I feel like my role is to encourage, love and adventure with the LOLK and enjoy every moment of it...

First time in a "big girl" car seat!
Adventure boy!

Princess doesnt like hair bows...
One of the most beautiful woman i know...
"Nom Nom Nom"
Natural learning. That is "plastic" cheese stuck to the fridge!
We are being Jewish!
Dancing girl! As gorgeous as her mother!
Handsome man!
Isaiah's towing service!
So its not in the water but its close!
Nana Kay's story time!
Tantrum at the show!
We so could pass as a family!
That pink blur is Amy!
Partying with LOLK

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be an aunty to so many gorgeous kids or that I would find my best friend to be their mother.

Never did I think I would or could be so loved by kids...

Never did I think I would have so much FUN!
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