Monday, February 27, 2012

FREE GEORGIA! Statewide Nurse-In March 5

It's amazing how breastfeeding laws vary from state to state.  I am fortunate to live in a state (Texas) where a woman has the right to breastfeed her baby anywhere she has the right to be.  Other women and babies in various states are not so fortunate.  Georgia sure has had their set of issues over the last several months.  There are people who are shaking things up, trying to push for change, but they can't do it without support.  If you are in or near the state of Georgia, I hope you'll participate in this movement.   This Nurse-In takes place March 5.  Spread the word. 

Here is an email I received from the organizer, Lindsey:

"LOVE the blog!! My name is Lindsey Mangham, and I'm (now) the sole organizer for the Georgia Statewide Nurse-in: Warner Robins location. Having read your Jan. 30th post on NIP, I know that we share the same ideals on this issue. I was hoping that you would be willing to take on the story of Nirvana 'Harley' Jennette (the head organizer of the nurse-in) and help our cause.

The Georgia Statewide Nurse-In is a grassroots movement made up of both local and national supporters who are working to normalize breastfeeding in the state of Georgia and to put a stop to the ongoing harassment and discrimination that mothers and children fall victim to on a daily basis.

Our mission is to establish a change in Georgia state laws so that the laws protect a mother's right to breastfeed and a child's right to receive nourishment in any place, public or private, that the mother and child are allowed to be, so that breastfeeding is not considered indecent exposure, so that a mother can not be arrested or ticketed for feeding her child, and so that any form of harassment to a nursing mother and child will be an offense punishable by law. We will begin by staging a statewide nurse-in to introduce ourselves to the legislators of Georgia and to the general public as we establish change in our laws. We will not back down until the laws are put into place.

Here is the press-release of the story:

and here is a link to the original news story about Nirvana:

Her contact info is at the end of the press release!

Here is the FB event page:
And here is a link to the petition:"

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