Monday, February 13, 2012

Colloidal Silver, Ionic Silver, or Nano-Silver -- Your Questions Answered

As promised, here is the guest blog post by Dr. Betsy Taylor of Grand Prairie, TX.  She is a member of the Tarrant County Birth Network and I've heard her speak on chiropractic and also on nutrition and taking care of the body.  She has been the Silver "guru" I've gone to with all my questions.

My personal experience with the ASAP Silver has been this:  no one in my family has been on antibiotics since starting the Silver one-and-a-half years ago.  I have not used my inhaler since starting the silver.  We've used it for sore throats, coughs, ears, eyes, and generally when anyone starts feeling sick, we start taking our Silver.  I am a believer.  I hope you find the answer to your questions.  Thank you, Dr. Taylor, for helping us understand how we can use Silver to promote health and well being in our own families.

"I am a Doctor of Chiropractic so I need to do this disclaimer: the following is not intended as a substitute for the advice and or/medical care of your physician, nor is it meant to discourage or dissuade you from the advice of your physician.

As I researched material for this post, I was really shocked to find so much controversy. But in reality, I am not surprised.  Big Pharma cannot make money from the therapeutic use of silver so the 'powers that be' debunk it. The FDA supports the government's and the pharmaceutical's stand - doesn't work, can hurt you, no safety studies, no science - you see where I am going. The same blah, blah, blah they spout over other natural, healing therapies. If we claim that silver "cures", then the FDA classifies it as a 'drug' and it then must be tested and controlled by them with standardization, quality control, and extensive medical testing.

Silver is already used in the medical world in silver nitrate - used in newborn's eyes to prevent infection; and in silver sulfadiazine - used in dressings for burns to prevent infections. NASA uses it for water purification. Therefore, when you look at the current accepted uses, you can easily see what it can be used for - an antimicrobial - microbes being bacteria, viruses, fungus. Studies show that it works. You can research these online. 

Silver is a metal and a mineral.(1)   It can be toxic under certain circumstances and can be therapeutic under certain circumstances.   My intent here is to help you know the difference. Silver has been used throughout history for therapeutic measures. I'll let you do the research on that too.

For purposes of this article, we will be talking about nutritional tissue deficiencies of silver and how balancing this deficiency may improve your health.

Most of you will be familiar with the term colloidal silver or ionic silver. Colloidal refers to the size and suspension in water, and ionic refers to the positive charge of the particle. It is the size of the particle that makes it usable in the tissues, and the positive charge that makes it a germicide/antimicrobial.  This type of silver can be made at home. However, here is where the problems arise.

As with most chemistry, all parts of the procedure must be correct. If not, there can be problems. I am sure you have heard of the 'blue man' whose skin and gums turned blue from ingesting silver. The truth behind this is that he made his own, and took mega doses for a long time. His homemade silver was improperly made resulting in particles that were too large which joined with other particles in his water. These compounds were then deposited in his tissues. True, pure, properly prepared silver does not do this. Therefore, I do not recommend making your own. But I do recommend knowing how and having the equipment on hand in case the FDA ever takes it away from us. Just do it properly.

Science and chemistry aside, let's get to the questions!

How does it work? The chemical reaction when the silver particles come in contact with microbes causes cell death. Silver is then eliminated from the body via normal elimination routes. Studies show it does not affect good cells - a major difference with antibiotics! Nor does it appear to result in silver-resistant strains of microbes. Nature is just too smart for that. The way antibiotics (toxic chemicals) work on the microbes has enabled these critters to 'mutate' and become drug resistant. Interaction with natural silver particles is a different mechanism, so no mutations.

Is it safe? Yes. Properly prepared silver products are non-toxic. The silver is utilized and then eliminated just like extra calcium, magnesium, zinc, etc. They are also non-allergenic, unless you are allergic to silver, then you would avoid it. To test - place a small drop on a tiny band-aid and place on the wrist overnight - if there is a skin reaction - avoid it. Again, silver compounds (like silver nitrate or silver sulfadiazine) should only be used while strictly following directions specifically for that product. Do not confuse those products with colloidal silver. In the homeopathic world there are reported possible side effects, so I would not use silver with homeopathic medications. These possible side effects are not life-threatening or even dangerous, but it is sensible to avoid the combination. The only toxicity problem I found was the blue tint to tissues known as argyria - rare and self-induced. There is a small chance you can have a healing crisis or an increase in symptoms while healing also. With regards to children - if you would take it yourself you might choose to give it to your children. With regards to pregnancy - I would not recommend it. Overall, just be sensible - even water can be toxic or beneficial to your health.  Please research the safety studies.

The official definition of heavy metal poisoning is:
“Any functional or morphologic change in the kidney produced by an ingested, injected, inhaled, or absorbed drug, chemical, or biologic agent.”
You would be wise to check out this truthful record of the real causes of heavy metal poisoning. The most correct and widely accepted authority on the subject is the professional tome of “MERCK Manual Of Diagnosis And Treatment”. Now in its 17th edition, page 1880 of the manual gives the complete list of heavy metals that can cause heavy metal poisoning. While this list does include several beneficial metals like copper and iron that are found in everyday vitamins, metallic silver is not listed in any of its forms. It isn’t like this is some sudden new discovery and silver just has not yet been added to the list in some future 18th edition printing. No error has been made here; natural silver solution products do not cause heavy metal poisoning! Silver is not on the list because it is not, nor ever was a cause of this infliction. (2)

How do I use it? The first time I was introduced to and used colloidal silver I placed it straight in my eyes. I had cellulitis for 10 days and it cleared it up 100% within 36 hours. I therefore am not afraid to use it at all. It can be used topically on the skin, sprayed up the nose, drops in the ears, and held in the mouth for absorption, then swallowed. Most products have no taste so it is easy to ingest. If it must be mixed with fluids or gels it will still work, but may be somewhat less effective. Again, use of this product is to balance the mineral deficiency of the tissues to increase the tissue's ability to fight invaders and to heal.

What is the dosage?
That depends on the situation. I would follow the directions on the bottle for mild, double for moderate, and saturate for 2-3 days for severe. When I saturate, I take 1 tsp. every waking hour.  After doing additional research for this article, and with my experience with silver, I do not recommend it every day. (There are some exceptions to this.) I have found it works great when needed for a specific, symptomatic imbalance.

What product do I recommend?
I recommend ASAP Silver by American Biotech Labs.(3)   This is a new 'nano-silver' (SilverSol©) which has multiple modes of action and is effective until eliminated from the body. Regular colloidal silver particles must come in contact with the microbe and then are inactive. The nano-silver particles become part of the structure of the water and therefore do not have to touch the microbe making it faster and more effective. This promotes the action of a balanced and healthy tissue defending itself.  My next recommendation would be Nature’s Sunshine Silver Shield.(4)   It is a colloidal silver.

Herbs, vitamins, minerals, clays, foods, etc. all are natural aids in improving the body's function to heal and be healthier. Silver is just another tool in the toolbox to use. It does an excellent job when used properly."





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