Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Indian River Going All Safety Crazy -

Indian River School District to put guards in all schools

Kudos to IR for putting safety first and foremost. Just last month I received a firm reprimand from a CSD constituent because I wanted to extend security to school board meetings in addition to the other school functions that already earn a police presence - uniformed and/or plain clothes. 

My reasoning for extending coverage - CSD school children attend almost every single school board meeting.  Some perform.  Some receive awards.  Their families usually join them, along with our staff.   I think our board and our district should deploy every reasonable resource to protect our children.  Indian River has deemed security at every school a reasonable resource.  

After our board action, one constituent actually told me that adding security would not be beneficial and he/she/it cited the recent courthouse shooting that left two mothers dead. If their lives were so easily taken with Capitol police just steps away, how did I expect security at a board meeting to protect the board?  The reality is that because the capitol police were armed, trained, and ready, the loss of life was reduced to three in a room that contained a significant number of potential victims. The impact of the shooting was diminished tremendously b/c the police were able to quickly regain control of the situation.  

When I look ahead at school safety, I am keenly aware that some of our greatest threats lurk quietly in our mist. I believe that Indian River's board has taken a prudent action in increasing its security presence in its schools.

Good Job, IR!

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