We lived in Brisbane at the time of Amalia's birth. With no family and one friend we had Michael's brother and sister and our sister-in-law-to-hopefully-one-day-be(came about Dec last year) to babysit our 24 month old Isaiah while we laboured and birthed our first girl.
She was due on Christmas day, same as me, same as two friends bubs the year before and one friends bub a year later. I was certain she would not arrive on the day.
A week before our babysitters were due to arrive at 38 weeks I woke around 7:30am to some different kind of 'baby kicking'. I told Michael gee she's really pushing differently today!
About an hour later another of this 'pushing'. We had to take Isaiah to a Child Health Appointment at our local busy shopping centre. I had a 'pushing' at the door way on the way in... and one on the way out. I was so thankful that nothing happened while I was waiting at the child health place as I really didn't like them, and I really didn't want anything to do with them while in labour.
As the day went on I was clearly in denial that I was actually IN labour. I had no babysitter! I pottered around tidying, cleaning, etc.
Come around 9:30pm I began to agree that yes I probably WAS in labour and I probably was not going to STAY in labour for the week waiting for our babysitters to get here.
Around 10:30pm these contractions came on quicker and slightly stronger. Yeah okay I told myself... I AM in labour, and I WILL be having this baby withOUT our babysitter. But still pretended I wasn't. I tried to get some sleep (Funny hey!).
Around 11:30 we finally called our midwife who said yeah come in. Contractions were about 5mins apart steady and we were 45minutes from the hospital. 45minutes during the day mind you.
Michael called our only friend who lived 15-20minutes away to look after Isaiah.
We packed my bag, Isaiah's bag, 'labour' bag, portacot for Isaiah, blankets etc. Michael was begining to panic and TRYING to rush me into the car. I wanted to stay home!! My hearts desire was NOT to birth in the hospital.
I put my wheat bag into the microwave to heat up. Then I asked Michael to get my wheat bag OUT of the microwave. So he cooked it again. And almost burnt our house down. I really missed the heat from that wheat bag as it sat smouldering in our front yard for a few days. I don't know why but for some reason I giggled about that on our journey to the hospital. I really can not believe how out of his mind he must have been to have cooked it again HA HA!
Anyway... he raced us to our babysitters. My only brisbane friend. As I sat in the car waiting for the drop off, having contraction after contraction with NO wheat bag she cracked a ton of jokes. In the end she asked me if she was funny. I shook my head NO, she asked if I wanted her to stop, I said yes. then she asked if she should pray. I agreed. lol
Michael pulled out of the driveway and went the wrong way. I told him you can't get out through this way. He disagreed. I was proven right as we turned down a ton of streets trying to get out.
Finally on the way to the hospital. Street lights shining, not much traffic, over the bridge, down the highways, green lights, speedo going higher and higher, contractions coming steady, fast and strong. Me screaming, Michael driving,... faster... faster... faster... He told me that if he got pulled up by the cops he wasn't stopping and that they could fine him at the hospital. 100km in a 60zone? I think they'd have taken his licence!
Michael told me to take my seatbelt off. Once I did that the contractions eased off. Eased off because the belt had been so tight it was causing the pain!
Soon afterwards I am sure that I heard a 'pop' sound of my waters breaking. But no fluid.
At some point my screams changed and Michael announced to me that she was coming. I moved up on my seat and the broken waters gushed out. I felt her head with my hand. One more push and I was holding my wet, silent baby in the dark in my hands. She had arrived... Only 3 minutes from the hospital. 12:52am 6lb 13ou on the 14th December 2009.
As we arrived at the hospital Michael jumped out and said my wife had a baby. About 20 people came running over. It was so embarrassing. But praise God my midwife came out, shooed them all away and took us up to our room. We didn't get a good look at her until we were up in our room and I pulled her out from under my shirt.
The placenta took over half an hour and was more painful then birth. No tears, no drugs, no trouble, all natural beautiful birth that had fulfilled the desire of MY heart!
Mik says to me not long after birth... "see? we could easily have ten kids" TEN KIDS!! I reply "No! *I* could easily have ten kids... you didn't DO anything" lol I'm thinking the man is NUTS I JUST GAVE BIRTH Thank you very much...
We laugh at the 'torch and giant needle' but it sure made me scream my head off!!
Poor Michael was exhausted!
10 Things I am Thankful for:
1. The desire of my heart was to birth not in the hospital
2. Safe, fast, drug free, natural delivery
3. Being booked into the birthing centre and not a regular hospital
4. Our midwife!!
5. NO CARS on the road and no speeding fines!
6. Prayers of friends and baby sitting :)
7. Power of Prayer and Praise
8. A small baby
9. A girl bubby
10. My hubby
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