Sunday, April 17, 2011

Friday Night Family Fun/Feasts

I love family traditions. Especially the ones done on a regular basis that our children will remember in many years to come. I also love spending time with my family and my bil & two sil's. I also love food, yummy food, especially ice cream.

Michael likes food too. He especially likes home made gourmet pizza but when you taste some of his pizza's there is no questioning as to why he likes it. We all like it too.

Awhile ago now we started a family tradition for ourselves. Friday Night Feasts for Fun. As we moved towns we scored big time and have our extended family come along.

Together the... 6 (then 5) of us plus Mik's brother, his wife (then fiance), and Mik's sister hang out (just about) every friday night. Usually at our place so the kids can get put to bed and we can just chill, watch a movie, chat, laugh, catch up after not seeing one another for a few days and EAT.
We even enjoy the preparations of dinner sometimes taking half the arvo to prepare a meal eaten in under 20 minutes.

My children are a constant source of FREE entertainment. Laughing at them, playing with them, laughing at the things they did during the week.

My children have a great relationship with their Uncle & Aunties... I love it.

Every now and then we'll look at one of the children and they'll just be a major crack up. We don't usually use a camera on these nights so we don't have other funny things to share...

Especially our Jarah boy...

Usually Amalia will copy... for a reaction of course...

And Isaiah will do so... laughing his head off...

And now... we can't let Avigail miss out... she just needs a helping hand :)

5 Things I am Thankful for:
1. Food preparation & Eating
2. Brother in Law, 2x Sister in Laws
3. Friday Nights
4. My children
5. My children's funny little antics - a constant source of FREE entertainment

p.s. perhaps my sil can enlighten us upon some of the things we get up to :)
((you know who I'm talking about))

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